Set 28, 2022

CNR-IRSA co-organizes the webinar “Assessing Risks for Soils: Challenges and Opportunities.

Il CNR-IRSA è tra gli organizzatori del Webinar “Assessing Risks for Soils: Challenges and Opportunities” che si terrà il 18 e 19 ottobre in videoconferenza.

Info e registrazioni sono disponibili al seguente link

The webinar is organized by SETAC GSIG (Global Soils Interest Group, and it is focused on “high questions”: – the current state of soil biodiversity and the diversity of soil types in general, as well as occurring soil threats, in light of the goals of the green deal and the soil strategy for 2030; – technologies that enable a multi-system or ecosystem-based approach to measure the impact of stress on soils, and we require an overarching regulatory framework to support sustainable soil systems across different habitats and land use types Soil and its preservation is a complex subject requiring cooperation among scientists and regulators.
The webinar is for the SETAC and general soil science communities, and it will provide a forum to inform, understand and discuss pertinent issues and strategic paths forward to support our common goal for a sustainable, healthy soil ecosystems.

Speakers: David Russel, Senkenberg Museum; Diana Vieira, Joint Research Centre; Vera Felix Graca da Silva, Wageningen University; Tiago Natal de Luz, Coimbra University Silvia Pieper, German Environment Agency; Matty P. Berg, Vrije University

Paola Grenni – CNR IRSA, sede di Roma –

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