Scheda di dettaglio – i progetti

Tipologia di contributoProgetto
Tipologia di progettoProgetti di ricerca internazionali
TitoloFreshwater bivalves at the edge: adaptation genomics under climate change scenarios
Abstract ITANon disponibile
Abstract ENGClimate change, encompassing a global tendency for warming, is reshuffling the geographic distributions of species, making rear edge populations seriously threatened. Mediterranean Basin Peninsulas, e.g. Iberian and Italian, among the most vulnerable Mediterranean regions to water shortage and desertification, are home to the higher number of freshwater mussel endemisms showing confined and fragmented distributions. Global warming threatens the stability of freshwater ecosystems by disrupting the persistence of freshwater mussel populations. These climatic assumptions together with the fact that freshwater mussels are undergoing a major global decline, make these organisms a unique model system to assess genomic changes and responses associated with the extreme climatic adaptations, under a scenario of climate change. For that, in this project, we will use an integrative approach combining well-designed experiments, i.e. experimental studies of ecological performance (manipulating the abiotic environment to mimic predicted future climate) and environmental and behavioral strategies characterization in the field, with state-of-the-art population genome and transcriptome-wide techniques. More, with the main goal of assessing genomic changes and responses associated with the extreme climatic adaptations, we will use the multidisciplinary data gathered from three freshwater mussel species along a latitudinal and temperature gradient, from the Mediterranean to Scandinavia. We expect to obtain novel insights into the processes by which freshwater species with broad geographical ranges can adapt to local environmental conditions and gain a clearer understanding of the evolutionary history of these imperiled organisms with eventual pay-offs in future management actions devoted to the conservation of these extraordinary organisms.
Fonte di finanziamento ENGFoundation for Science and Technology, Portugal
CoordinatoreElsa Froufe
Referente IRSANicoletta Riccardi
Periodo di attivita2021-2022
Fonte di finanziamento ITAFoundation for Science and Technology, Portugal