Scheda di dettaglio – i prodotti della ricerca

AbstractThe Toxicological database of soil and derived products is a project firstly proposed by the Regional Environmental Authority of Apulia. Such a project aims to provide comprehensive and updated information on the regional environmental characteristics, on the pollution state of the regional soil, on the main pollutants and on the reclaim techniques to be used in case of both non-point (agricultural activities) and point (industrial activities) sources of pollution. The project's focus is on the soil pollution because of the fundamental role played by the soil in supporting the biological cycle. Furthermore, the reasons for the project are related both to the reduction of human health risks due to toxic substances ingestion (these substances are present in some ring of the eating chain), and to the recognition of the importance of the groundwater quality safety (primary source of fresh water in many Mediterranean Regions). The essential requirements of a data entry are the following: speed and simplicity of the data entry; reliability and stability of the database structures; speed, easiness and pliability of the queries. Free consultation of the database represents one of the most remarkable advantages coming from the use of an "open" system.
SourceAnnali dell'Istituto superiore di sanità 44 (1), pp. 81–87
Keywordstoxicological databasesoil pollutantgeographical information systemintervention techniques
JournalAnnali dell'Istituto superiore di sanità
EditorIstituto poligrafico dello stato., Roma, Italia
TypeArticolo in rivista
Text67818 2008 PubMed 18469380 ISI Web of Science WOS 000207812500013 toxicological database soil pollutant geographical information system intervention techniques TOXICOLOGICAL DATABASE OF SOIL AND DERIVED PRODUCTS BDT URICCHIO V.F. Water Research Institute, Italian National Research Council, Department of Bari, Via De Blasio 5, 70123 Bari, Italy The Toxicological database of soil and derived products is a project firstly proposed by the Regional Environmental Authority of Apulia. Such a project aims to provide comprehensive and updated information on the regional environmental characteristics, on the pollution state of the regional soil, on the main pollutants and on the reclaim techniques to be used in case of both non point agricultural activities and point industrial activities sources of pollution. The project s focus is on the soil pollution because of the fundamental role played by the soil in supporting the biological cycle. Furthermore, the reasons for the project are related both to the reduction of human health risks due to toxic substances ingestion these substances are present in some ring of the eating chain , and to the recognition of the importance of the groundwater quality safety primary source of fresh water in many Mediterranean Regions . The essential requirements of a data entry are the following speed and simplicity of the data entry; reliability and stability of the database structures; speed, easiness and pliability of the queries. Free consultation of the database represents one of the most remarkable advantages coming from the use of an open system. La banca dati tossicologica del suolo e dei prodotti derivati BDT . La banca dati tossicologica del suolo e dei prodotti derivati BDT e un iniziativa dell Assessorato all Ecologia della Regione Puglia, creata per fornire informazioni complete e aggiornate sullo stato di inquinamento del suolo pugliese. Il suolo svolge un ruolo essenziale nel ciclo biologico e pertanto diventa necessario prevenire i rischi di avvelenamento umano, derivanti dall assimilazione di prodotti tossici o contaminati, attraverso la catena alimentare, e salvaguardare le risorse idriche sotterranee, sempre piu compromesse. Il portale verticale BDT con i suoi servizi banca dati dei principali inquinanti del suolo, archivio cartografico del territorio pugliese, dati analitici relativi ai suoli, banca dati delle tecniche di bonifica, sistema informativo ed anagrafe dei siti potenzialmente contaminati e consultabile liberamente via Internet alla sezione dedicata del portale ambientale del sito istituzionale della Regione. La banca dati tossicologica del suolo e dei prodotti derivati rappresenta un utile strumento di prevenzione dell inquinamento del suolo, di sostegno alla pianificazione territoriale e di monitoraggio dello stato dell ambiente. 44 http // Articolo pubblicato Articolo riferito alla creazione di banca dati esistente e realizzata in Italia ed in Ungheria. Riconoscimento Medaglia del Presidente della Repubblica C.A Ciampi TOXICOLOGICAL_DATABASE_OF_SOIL_AND_DERIVED_PRODUCTS.pdf Articolo in rivista Istituto poligrafico dello stato. 0021 2571 Annali dell Istituto superiore di sanita Annali dell Istituto superiore di sanita Ann. Ist. super. sanita vitofelice.uricchio URICCHIO VITO FELICE TA.P04.005.005 Gestione integrata delle informazioni ambientali