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TitleThe effects of salinity on the toxicity of Cadmium to Corophium insidiosum
AbstractThe effects of different salinities (10-15-20-25 and 36‰) on the sensitivity of the Crustacea Amphipoda Corophium insidiosum (Crawford, 1937) to the toxic effects of cadmium were investigated using a 96h toxicity test. Amphipods were tolerant to a broad range of salinity. The LC50 values showed a highest sensitivity to cadmium at lowest salinities
KeywordsSalinityCadmiumacute toxicity testCorophium insidiosum
TypeArticolo in rivista
Text6445 2007 Salinity Cadmium acute toxicity test Corophium insidiosum The effects of salinity on the toxicity of Cadmium to Corophium insidiosum E. PRATO, F. BIANDOLINO, C. SCARDICCHIO IAMC CNR TARANTO The effects of different salinities 10 15 20 25 and 36‰ on the sensitivity of the Crustacea Amphipoda Corophium insidiosum Crawford, 1937 to the toxic effects of cadmium were investigated using a 96h toxicity test. Amphipods were tolerant to a broad range of salinity. The LC50 values showed a highest sensitivity to cadmium at lowest salinities 14 Articolo in rivista SCARDICCHIO CHRISTIAN francesca.biandolino BIANDOLINO FRANCESCA ermelinda.prato PRATO ERMELINDA TA.P04.019.001 Approccio integrato per un acquacoltura sostenibile aspetti ambientali, qualita, benessere e applicazioni di nuove tecnologie