Scheda di dettaglio – i prodotti della ricerca

TitleUnderground waters quality in the province of Lecce (Apulia, Southern Italy).
AbstractThis paper shows the results of underground waters last monitoring in the province of Lecce (Apulia, Southern Italy). We carried out the physical-chemical characterization of the aquifers and their classification in accordance to limit values sanctioned by Italian legislation in force, by European directives and by FAO, in order to define their quality and to establish their possible use for drinkable and irrigation purposes. The attention has been focused on salinity evaluation and underground waters contamination phenomena, due to sea-water intrusion and to the use of fertilizers. Salinity and nitrates concentrations are high in a few wells. Iron and manganese concentrations are very high for almost every sample and this is due to corrosion phenomena of artesian wells metallic structure. For a better interpretation of data, multivariate statistical analysis has been used, in order to obtain the correlation among analytical results, soils hydro-geological properties and anthropic conditions.
SourceAnnali di chimica (Testo stamp.) 95 (3-4), pp. 15–25
KeywordsUnderground waterqualityProvince of Lecce.
JournalAnnali di chimica (Testo stamp.)
EditorSocieta chimica italiana, Roma, Italia
TypeArticolo in rivista
Text6317 2005 10.1002/adic.200590025 ISI Web of Science WOS 000229560800014 Underground water quality Province of Lecce. Underground waters quality in the province of Lecce Apulia, Southern Italy . BUCCOLIERI A., BUCCOLIERI G., CARDELLICCHIO N., MACI A. CNR Istituto Ambiente Marino Costiero Dip. di Scienza dei Materiali, Universita di Lecce This paper shows the results of underground waters last monitoring in the province of Lecce Apulia, Southern Italy . We carried out the physical chemical characterization of the aquifers and their classification in accordance to limit values sanctioned by Italian legislation in force, by European directives and by FAO, in order to define their quality and to establish their possible use for drinkable and irrigation purposes. The attention has been focused on salinity evaluation and underground waters contamination phenomena, due to sea water intrusion and to the use of fertilizers. Salinity and nitrates concentrations are high in a few wells. Iron and manganese concentrations are very high for almost every sample and this is due to corrosion phenomena of artesian wells metallic structure. For a better interpretation of data, multivariate statistical analysis has been used, in order to obtain the correlation among analytical results, soils hydro geological properties and anthropic conditions. 95 Annali Ugento Articolo pubblicato Annali_Ugento.pdf Articolo in rivista Societa chimica italiana 0003 4592 Annali di chimica Testo stamp. Annali di chimica Testo stamp. Ann. chim. Testo stamp. Annali di chimica. Testo stamp. nicola.cardellicchio CARDELLICCHIO NICOLA TA.P04.002.001 Fascia Costiera e Ambienti di Transizione analisi strutturale e funzionale delle componenti biotiche ed abiotiche degli ecosistemi per lo sviluppo sostenibile delle attivita