Scheda di dettaglio – i prodotti della ricerca

TitleField validation of sediment zinc toxicity
SourceEnvironmental toxicology and chemistry 24, pp. 541–553
JournalEnvironmental toxicology and chemistry
EditorPergamon,, New York, Stati Uniti d'America
TypeArticolo in rivista
AuthorsBurton Jr G.A., Nguyen L.T.H., Janssen C., Baudo R., McWilliam R., Bossuyt B., Beltrami M., Green A.
Text52878 2005 Field validation of sediment zinc toxicity Burton Jr G.A., Nguyen L.T.H., Janssen C., Baudo R., McWilliam R., Bossuyt B., Beltrami M., Green A. 24 Published version Articolo in rivista Pergamon, 0730 7268 Environmental toxicology and chemistry Environmental toxicology and chemistry Environ. toxicol. chem. Environmental toxicology and chemistry renato.baudo BAUDO RENATO monica.beltrami BELTRAMI MONICA TA.P04.021.002 Distribuzioni ed effetti di macro e micro inquinanti in ambienti acquatici