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TitleA long-term (1986-2010) phytoplankton dataset from the LTER-Italy site Lake Candia
KeywordsphytoplanktondatasetLake CandiaeLTERLTER-Italy
AuthorsAlessandro Oggioni,1* Delio Ruggiu,2 Giuseppe Morabito,2 Alessandra Pugnetti,3 Karin Sparber,4 Radiana Cozza,5 Pierisa Panzani,2 Teresa Ruffoni,2 Martina Austoni2
Text479587 2022 phytoplankton dataset Lake Candia eLTER LTER Italy A long term 1986 2010 phytoplankton dataset from the LTER Italy site Lake Candia Alessandro Oggioni,1 Delio Ruggiu,2 Giuseppe Morabito,2 Alessandra Pugnetti,3 Karin Sparber,4 Radiana Cozza,5 Pierisa Panzani,2 Teresa Ruffoni,2 Martina Austoni2 1National Research Council, Institute for Electromagnetic Sensing of the Environment CNR IREA , Via A. Corti 12, 20133 Milan; 2National Research Council, Water Research Institute CNR IRSA , Largo Tonolli 50, 28922 Verbania Pallanza; 3National Research Council, Institute of Marine Sciences CNR ISMAR , Arsenale Tesa 104, Castello 2737/F, 30122 Venice; 4Provincia di Bolzano, Agenzia Provinciale per l Ambiente, Via Amba Alagi 5, 39100 Bolzano; 5Department of Biology, Ecology and Earth Science DIBEST , University of Calabria, Via Pietro Bucci, 87036 Rende CS , Italy This georeferenced dataset describes a 25 year 1986 2010 monitoring studies of phytoplankton abundance and biomass in Lake Candia, a eutrophic, natural, small, and shallow lake located in north western Italy. The lake has been subjected to biomanipulation experiments aiming to improve its water quality since 1986 to 2010. It belongs to the national LTER Italy , European LTER Europe and International ILTER long term ecological research LTER networks. Making available this dataset also represents a contribution to the current activities of the LTER networks, aiming at making accessible the time series of the LTER sites, in order to reconstruct trends and dynamics and to identify and compare reliable trends and can be useful for further ecological and biodiversity studies on small and shallow lakes. The interest of the dataset is also remarkable because Lake Candia belongs to the national LTER Italy , European LTER Europe and International ILTER long term ecological research LTER networks, where the long term site based monitoring approach and the site comparison are important to determine spatial and temporal trends and changes. https // Dataset giuseppe.morabito MORABITO GIUSEPPE alessandro.oggioni OGGIONI ALESSANDRO pierisa.panzani PANZANI PIERISA RUGGIU DELIO martina.austoni AUSTONI MARTINA alessandra.pugnetti PUGNETTI ALESSANDRA