Scheda di dettaglio – i prodotti della ricerca

AbstractWe here provided the first records of interstitial annelids from the Azores based on the results of the workshop "Meiozores2019: Exploring the marine meiofauna of the Azores - from discovery to scientific publication". A total of 12 species belonging to the families Diurodrilidae, Microphthalmidae, Nerillidae, Protodrilidae, and Saccocirridae were recorded based on light microscopical observations. We briefly discuss the occurrence of other interstitial groups, but their diversity is not reported in detail. Most of the species reported belong to widespread lineages and only one of them is unequivocally new to science although our discussion is limited due to lack of molecular data and detailed (electron and confocal laser scanning microscopy) morphological examinations. The comparison of our findings to published reports from other oceanic archipelagos around the world suggests that levels of island endemism in interstitial annelids are strongly influenced by the amount and scope of research performed in each archipelago. Thus, further information is needed to draw any biologically meaningful conclusion on patterns of diversity of interstitial annelids in oceanic islands.
Keywordsinterstitial annelidapolychaetaislandsbiodiversitytaxonomy
EditorF. Maduro Dias, Ponta Delgada, Portogallo
TypeArticolo in rivista
AuthorsAlejandro Martínez, Antônio João Malafaia Peixoto, Anna Mikhlina, Maikon Di Domenico
Text468801 2021 interstitial annelida polychaeta islands biodiversity taxonomy INTERSTITIAL ANNELIDS FROM THE OCEANIC ISLAND OF SÃO MIGUEL AZORES, PORTUGAL Alejandro Martinez, Antonio João Malafaia Peixoto, Anna Mikhlina, Maikon Di Domenico Molecular Ecology Group MEG , Water Research Institute IRSA , National Research Council of Italy CNR , Italy. Laboratorio de Polychaeta, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. N.A. Pertsov White Sea Biological Station, Biological Faculty, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia. Laboratorio do Bentos, Universidade Federal do Parana, Brasil We here provided the first records of interstitial annelids from the Azores based on the results of the workshop Meiozores2019 Exploring the marine meiofauna of the Azores from discovery to scientific publication . A total of 12 species belonging to the families Diurodrilidae, Microphthalmidae, Nerillidae, Protodrilidae, and Saccocirridae were recorded based on light microscopical observations. We briefly discuss the occurrence of other interstitial groups, but their diversity is not reported in detail. Most of the species reported belong to widespread lineages and only one of them is unequivocally new to science although our discussion is limited due to lack of molecular data and detailed electron and confocal laser scanning microscopy morphological examinations. The comparison of our findings to published reports from other oceanic archipelagos around the world suggests that levels of island endemism in interstitial annelids are strongly influenced by the amount and scope of research performed in each archipelago. Thus, further information is needed to draw any biologically meaningful conclusion on patterns of diversity of interstitial annelids in oceanic islands. Apresentamos os primeiros registros dos anelideos intersticiais das Açores com base nos resultados do workshop Meiozores2019 Explorando a meiofauna marinha dos Açores da descoberta a publicação cientifica . Um total de 12 especies pertencentes as familias Diurodrilidae, Microphthalmidae, Nerillidae, Protodrilidae e Saccocirridae foram registadas a partir de observações em microscopio optico. Tambem discutimos brevemente a diversidade de outros grupos mesopsammicos, embora sua diversidade não seja relatada em detalhes. Apesar da maioria das especies referidas aqui pertencerem a linhagens amplamente difundidas e apenas uma delas ser inequivocamente nova para a ciencia, embora nossa discussão seja limitada devido a falta de dados moleculares e exames morfologicos detalhados microscopia eletronica de varredura e confocal a laser . A comparação de nossos resultados com relatorios publicados das respectivas familias de outros arquipelagos oceanicos ao redor do mundo sugere que os niveis relatados de endemismo de anelideos intersticiais nas ilhas são fortemente influenciados pela quantidade e escopo da pesquisa realizada em cada arquipelago. Assim, mais informações são necessarias para chegar a qualquer conclusão biologicamente significativa sobre os padrões de diversidade de anelideos intersticiais em ilhas oceanicas. Published version Articolo in rivista F. Maduro Dias 0874 0380 Açoreana Açoreana Açoreana alejandro.martinezgarcia MARTINEZ GARCIA ALEJANDRO