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TitleA Metabarcoding Protocol to Analyze Coastal Planktic Communities Collected by Desalination Plant Filters: From Sampling to Bioinformatic Exploratory Analyses
TypeContributo in volume
AuthorsMatteo Cecchetto, Andrea Di Cesare, Ester Eckert, Isabella Moro, Diego Fontaneto, Stefano Schiaparelli
Text468697 2022 10.1007/978 1 0716 2313 8_8 metabarcoding monitoring A Metabarcoding Protocol to Analyze Coastal Planktic Communities Collected by Desalination Plant Filters From Sampling to Bioinformatic Exploratory Analyses Matteo Cecchetto, Andrea Di Cesare, Ester Eckert, Isabella Moro, Diego Fontaneto, Stefano Schiaparelli Italian National Antarctic Museum MNA, Section of Genoa , University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy Department of Earth, Environmental and Life Science DISTAV , University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy Department of Biology, University of Padova, Padua, Italy National Research Council of Italy, Water Research Institute CNR IRSA , Verbania Pallanza, Italy The temporal dynamics of coastal planktic communities can be disclosed through DNA metabarcoding on the filters of reverse osmosis desalination plants. Here, we describe the steps that are necessary to process the filters in order to create the subsamples used for DNA extraction and the bioinformatic pipeline to perform the first exploratory analyses on this kind of dataset. Marine genomics Verde, C., Giordano, D. 978 1 0716 2312 1 Published version https // 1 0716 2313 8_8#chapter info Capitolo cecchetto Cecchetto2022_Protocol_AMetabarcodingProtocolToAnalyz.pdf Contributo in volume Humana Press 1064 3745 Methods in molecular biology Clifton N.J. Methods in molecular biology Clifton N.J. Methods mol. biol. Clifton N.J. Methods in molecular biology. Clifton N.J. diego.fontaneto FONTANETO DIEGO andrea.dicesare DI CESARE ANDREA estermaria.eckert ECKERT ESTER MARIA