Scheda di dettaglio – i prodotti della ricerca

TitlePremio Intellectual Property Award 2021 - Rapid Purification of Phycobiliproteins
KeywordsPremioIPA-2021BrevettoPurificazione ficobiliproteine
TypeAltro prodotto
AuthorsRosaria Lauceri, Graziella Chini Zittelli, Giuseppe Torzillo
Text465857 2022 Premio IPA 2021 Brevetto Purificazione ficobiliproteine Premio Intellectual Property Award 2021 Rapid Purification of Phycobiliproteins Rosaria Lauceri, Graziella Chini Zittelli, Giuseppe Torzillo CNR IRSA, CNR IBE Phycobiliproteins are water soluble non toxic, pigment proteins produced by some microalgae that have strong antioxidant activity. We have devised a cutting edge technology using membrane chromatography to get high purity pigments, especially bright blue phycocyanin from Spirulina. Phycocyanin has biotechnological applications in many sectors, from food to biomedicine. The commercial value of phycocyanin depends on its purity and the brightness of its colour. This means that a sustainable way to get high purity phycocyanin is of great industrial interest. The National Research Council of Italy is working on the process for commercial applications in collaboration with the company Plastica Alfa. we expect that our technology will actually be a game changer in the phycocyanin market, lowering the retail price and boosting the spread of pigment based products and other high purity phycocyanin based new applications. https // L ammissione e partecipazione alla finale del contest IPA 2021 a Dubai costituisce un PREMIO, come disposto dall articolo 7 del bando di concorso, disponibile al link indicato. Attestato di Partecipazione IPA 2021 Attestato di Partecipazione alla finale del contest IPA 2021, presso il Padiglione Italia, EXPO2020 Dubai ATTESTATO Lauceri_SIGNED.pdf Altro prodotto giuseppe.torzillo TORZILLO GIUSEPPE rosaria.lauceri LAUCERI ROSARIA graziella.chinizittelli CHINI ZITTELLI GRAZIELLA