Scheda di dettaglio – i prodotti della ricerca

TitleStochastic bias-correction of daily rainfall scenarios for hydrological applications
SourceNatural hazards and earth system sciences (Print) 11, pp. 2497–2509
JournalNatural hazards and earth system sciences (Print)
EditorCopernicus Publ., Göttingen, Germania
TypeArticolo in rivista
AuthorsPortoghese I., Bruno E., Guyennon N., Iacobellis V.
Text42437 2011 Stochastic bias correction of daily rainfall scenarios for hydrological applications Portoghese I., Bruno E., Guyennon N., Iacobellis V. 11 Articolo in rivista Copernicus Publ. 1561 8633 Natural hazards and earth system sciences Print Natural hazards and earth system sciences Print Nat. hazards earth syst. sci. Print Natural hazards and earth system sciences. Print NHESS Print Print nicolasdominique.guyennon GUYENNON NICOLAS BRUNO EMANUELA ivan.portoghese PORTOGHESE IVAN TA.P02.031.001 Impatto dei cambiamenti climatici sulla gestione delle risorse idriche