Scheda di dettaglio – i prodotti della ricerca

AbstractPesticide and nitrate contamination of soil and groundwater from agriculture is an environmental and public health concern worldwide. The herbicide terbuthylazine (CBET) has replaced atrazine in Italy and in many other countries because the use of the latter has been banned because of its adverse environmental impacts. Unlike atrazine, knowledge about the fate of CBET in soil is still not extensive, especially regarding its transformation products, but recent monitoring data show its occurrence and that of its main metabolite, desethyl-terbuthylazine (CBAT), in groundwater above the limit of 0.1mg/L established by European Union Directive and Italian legislation. The objective of this work was to investigate if the presence of the fertilizer urea affects CBET degradation in the soil. Laboratory CBET degradation experiments in the presence/absence of urea were performed with microbiologically active soil and sterilized soil. Terbuthylazine degradation rates under the different experimental conditions were assessed, and the formation, degradation, and transformation of the metabolite CBAT were also studied. Terbuthylazine degradation was affected by the presence of urea, in terms both of a higher disappearance time of 50% of the initial concentration and of a lower amount of CBAT formed. These findings have practical implications for the real-life assessment of the environmental fate of triazine herbicides in agricultural areas since these herbicides are frequently applied to soils receiving ureic fertilizers.
SourceEnvironmental toxicology and chemistry 24 (5), pp. 1035–1040
JournalEnvironmental toxicology and chemistry
EditorPergamon,, New York, Stati Uniti d'America
TypeArticolo in rivista
Text42158 2005 ISI Web of Science WOS 000228627100004 EFFECT OF UREA ON DEGRADATION OF TERBUTHYLAZINE IN SOIL BARRA CARACCIOLO A a ; GIULIANO G. a ; GRENNI P. a ; CREMISINI C. b ; CICCOLI R b ; UBALDI C. b a Istituto di Ricerca sulle Acque, Via Reno 1, 00198 Roma, Italy; b ENEA C.R. Casaccia, Via Anguillarese 301, 00060 Roma, Italy Pesticide and nitrate contamination of soil and groundwater from agriculture is an environmental and public health concern worldwide. The herbicide terbuthylazine CBET has replaced atrazine in Italy and in many other countries because the use of the latter has been banned because of its adverse environmental impacts. Unlike atrazine, knowledge about the fate of CBET in soil is still not extensive, especially regarding its transformation products, but recent monitoring data show its occurrence and that of its main metabolite, desethyl terbuthylazine CBAT , in groundwater above the limit of 0.1mg/L established by European Union Directive and Italian legislation. The objective of this work was to investigate if the presence of the fertilizer urea affects CBET degradation in the soil. Laboratory CBET degradation experiments in the presence/absence of urea were performed with microbiologically active soil and sterilized soil. Terbuthylazine degradation rates under the different experimental conditions were assessed, and the formation, degradation, and transformation of the metabolite CBAT were also studied. Terbuthylazine degradation was affected by the presence of urea, in terms both of a higher disappearance time of 50% of the initial concentration and of a lower amount of CBAT formed. These findings have practical implications for the real life assessment of the environmental fate of triazine herbicides in agricultural areas since these herbicides are frequently applied to soils receiving ureic fertilizers. 24 Articolo pubblicato Caracciolo_1035.pdf Articolo in rivista Pergamon, 0730 7268 Environmental toxicology and chemistry Environmental toxicology and chemistry Environ. toxicol. chem. Environmental toxicology and chemistry paola.grenni GRENNI PAOLA GIULIANO GIUSEPPE GENNARO anna.barracaracciolo BARRA CARACCIOLO ANNA TA.P04.005.007 Strumenti di mitigazione dello stress quali quantitativo per i sistemi idrici