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TitleExtraction of Nonylphenol and Nonylphenol Ethoxylates from River Sediments: Comparison among different Extraction Techniques
AbstractFive different extraction techniques (Soxhlet, automated Randall, accelerated solvent extraction, microwave assisted solvent extraction and extraction with a surfactant solution) for the determination of NP and NPEOs in river sediments have been evaluated in this study. All the techniques were applied to the same three samples collected from northern Italian rivers. The analyses have been performed with two RP columns, with different stationary reversed phases: a classical C-18 phase and a hexyl-phenyl one. Recoveries and the reproducibilities of the different extraction techniques are comparable and all methods give reliable results. The variance of the results is dominated by the variance in sample homogeneity, sample preparation and chromatographic analysis. The choice between the methods can be made on the basis of cost and safety characteristics of each technique. Preliminary results on an aqueous based extraction method with a surfactant solution (Tween-80) and its application to sediment and worm tissue analysis are also presented
SourceChromatographia (Wiesb.) 58, pp. 145–149
KeywordsColumn liquid chromatographynonylphenolnonylphenolethoxylatesriver sedimentextraction methods
JournalChromatographia (Wiesb.)
EditorSpringer, Heidelberg ;, Germania
TypeArticolo in rivista
Text42061 2003 10.1365/s10337 003 0032 8 Column liquid chromatography nonylphenol nonylphenolethoxylates river sediment extraction methods Extraction of Nonylphenol and Nonylphenol Ethoxylates from River Sediments Comparison among different Extraction Techniques CROCE V. 1 , PATROLECCO L. 2 , POLESELLO S. 2 , VALSECCHI S. 2 1 Universita dell’Insubria; 2 IRSA CNR Five different extraction techniques Soxhlet, automated Randall, accelerated solvent extraction, microwave assisted solvent extraction and extraction with a surfactant solution for the determination of NP and NPEOs in river sediments have been evaluated in this study. All the techniques were applied to the same three samples collected from northern Italian rivers. The analyses have been performed with two RP columns, with different stationary reversed phases a classical C 18 phase and a hexyl phenyl one. Recoveries and the reproducibilities of the different extraction techniques are comparable and all methods give reliable results. The variance of the results is dominated by the variance in sample homogeneity, sample preparation and chromatographic analysis. The choice between the methods can be made on the basis of cost and safety characteristics of each technique. Preliminary results on an aqueous based extraction method with a surfactant solution Tween 80 and its application to sediment and worm tissue analysis are also presented 58 Questo articolo presenta la sintesi di un lavoro di sviluppo ed ottimizzazione analitica, svolto nei laboratori dell’IRSA, per la determinazione di nonilfenolo ed etossilati correlati a corta catena in matrici acquatiche. La scelta di queste molecole e dovuta al fatto che esse agiscono come interferenti nel sistema endocrino degli organismi acquatici inducendo effetti di tipo estrogenico. Per questo motivo il nonilfenolo e stato inserito nella lista delle sostanze prioritarie pericolose nell’Annex 10 della Direttiva 2000/60/CE per queste sostanze e previsto un monitoraggio frequente in diverse matrici acqua, sedimento, biota . In assenza di metodi ufficiali per queste molecole, e molto importante mettere a disposizione del mondo scientifico e degli organi di controllo metodologie validate per la loro determinazione nelle diverse matrici acquatiche Articolo Pubblicato Pubblicazione Internazionale ISI Chromatographia_2003_Croce.pdf Articolo in rivista Springer 0009 5893 Chromatographia Wiesb. Chromatographia Wiesb. Chromatographia Wiesb. Chromatographia. Wiesb. Chromatographia Braunschweig Wiesb. Chromatographia Wiesbaden. Print Wiesb. Chromatographia Berlin Wiesb. stefano.polesello POLESELLO STEFANO luisa.patrolecco PATROLECCO LUISA saramaria.valsecchi VALSECCHI SARA MARIA