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TitleEarly development stages of the red blenny, Parablennius ruber (Teleostei: Blenniidae)
AbstractLittle is known about the early development stages of Parablennius ruber. In this paper the following stages are described, and illustrations provided for the first time: middle stage egg, late stage egg, yolk-sac larva and preflexion larva. Recently laid eggs were spherical and orange, attached to the substratum in rock crevices. Eggs measured 1.02 mm in diameter. Newly hatched larva measured 4.65 mm total length and had the mouth closed and the anus open, fully pigmented eyes and a big yolk sac. Pectoral fins were present, rounded and not radially pigmented. Yolk was absorbed in 2-3 days at room temperature. Preflexion larvae had pointed pectoral fins, bigger eyes, well developed lips and strong jaws. Operculae were open. Orange chromatophores began to be noticeable between the eyes.
SourceJournal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom (Print) 89 (3), pp. 605–608
Keywordsearly development stagesred blennyParablennius ruber
JournalJournal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom (Print)
EditorMarine Biological Association of the United Kingdom,, Cambridge, Regno Unito
TypeArticolo in rivista
AuthorsVillegas-Rios, David; Martinez, Alejandro; Maria Palmero, Ana; Azevedo, Jose Manuel N.
Text417494 2009 10.1017/S0025315408002646 ISI Web of Science WOS 000267133200019 early development stages red blenny Parablennius ruber Early development stages of the red blenny, Parablennius ruber Teleostei Blenniidae Villegas Rios, David; Martinez, Alejandro; Maria Palmero, Ana; Azevedo, Jose Manuel N. Univ Acores; Univ Acores; Univ La Laguna Little is known about the early development stages of Parablennius ruber. In this paper the following stages are described, and illustrations provided for the first time middle stage egg, late stage egg, yolk sac larva and preflexion larva. Recently laid eggs were spherical and orange, attached to the substratum in rock crevices. Eggs measured 1.02 mm in diameter. Newly hatched larva measured 4.65 mm total length and had the mouth closed and the anus open, fully pigmented eyes and a big yolk sac. Pectoral fins were present, rounded and not radially pigmented. Yolk was absorbed in 2 3 days at room temperature. Preflexion larvae had pointed pectoral fins, bigger eyes, well developed lips and strong jaws. Operculae were open. Orange chromatophores began to be noticeable between the eyes. 89 Published version Articolo in rivista Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 0025 3154 Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom Print Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom Print J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. U.K. Print Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. Print JMBA Print alejandro.martinezgarcia MARTINEZ GARCIA ALEJANDRO