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TitleManuale di applicazione delmetodo CARAVAGGIO - Guida al rilevamento e alla descrizione degli habitat fluviali
KeywordshabitatWFDidromorfologiafiumieuropa meridionalearea mediterranea
TypeMonografia o trattato scientifico
AuthorsBuffagni A, Demartini D, Terranova L
Text384829 2013 habitat WFD idromorfologia fiumi europa meridionale area mediterranea Manuale di applicazione delmetodo CARAVAGGIO Guida al rilevamento e alla descrizione degli habitat fluviali Buffagni A, Demartini D, Terranova L CNR IRSA This volume presents the field survey approach of CARAVAGGIO method Core Assessment of River hAbitat VAlue and hydromorpholoGical cOndition for river habitat characterization. CARAVAGGIO method has been developed on the basis of River Habitat Survey RHS , originally developed by England and Wales Environment Agency. RHS has been enhanced and modified in order to properly describe South European watercourses, characterized by higher diversification and dynamicity comparing to UK streams. CARAVAGGIO method is not only finalized to the characterization and evaluation of habitat quality but it also provides support in the assessment of water bodies hydromorphological quality under the WFD 2000/60/EC . This has to be put in relation with the interpretation of biological data and the selection of reference sites , according to the Italian legislation D.M. 260/2010. The view of the river provided by CARAVAGGIO method follows the indication of the CEN EN 14614 2004 Standard. For the aim of the survey, the watercourse is ideally divided into 3 distinct areas channel wetted area and bars ; banks and riparian area from the end of the bars to the banktop and area adjacent to the stream area lying beyond the banktop . The method can be applied in all river types walkable along channel and/or banks. Among the aims of data collected with CARAVAGGIO method, the following could be mentioned oRiver habitat description and quality classification. oReference sites selection and description of type and site specific reference conditions. oSupport to the interpretation of Biological Quality Elements BQEs data. oHabitat characterization for fishing activities in rivers. oProtection of biodiversity in river systems. oDefinition of lentic lotic character in rivers. oCollection of information for the evaluation of nutrient retention potential. oEvaluation of pressures and impacts in river water bodies. oRisk estimation of failing quality objectives and Good Ecological Status. oHabitat characterization in Heavily Modified and Artificial Water Bodies. oDefinition of protection and restoration measures. oSupport in the drafting of management and protection plans. CARAVAGGIO method is also a tool for the evaluation of river habitats for species and Habitat conservation for the implementation of HABITAT Directive 92/43/CEE in the Mediterranean basin, known as a hotspot for rare and endemic species. 9788897655008 Published version http // file/doc_download/123 manuale caravaggio Monografia o trattato scientifico andreastefano.buffagni BUFFAGNI ANDREA STEFANO TA.P04.032.001 Funzionalita degli ecosistemi acquatici dinamica dei nutrienti, idromorfologia e habitat fluviali