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TitlePhyto-dehydration of confined sludge: a sustainable approach for the management of polluted ponds
AbstractLeaf transpiration drives many of the processes involved in phyto-technologies, and it can represent a useful mechanism to remove water from different kind of storage basins presenting inorganic, organic or microbiological contamination (phyto-dehydration), with the aim to reduce the risk of environmental contamination. In this framework, a mesocosm-scale trial was carried out to test the capacity of different helophyte species to reduce the excess of water in an artificial pond filled with oversaturated sludge.
SourceJournal of soils and sediments (Print) 18 (6), pp. 2292–2304
KeywordsCarex acutiformis Phragmites australisPhyto-remediationPig slurriesgreenhousegas emissionsPolluted sludge
JournalJournal of soils and sediments (Print)
EditorSpringer, Heidelberg ;, Germania
TypeArticolo in rivista
AuthorsLiberati D, Sconocchia P, Ricci A, Gigliotti G, Tacconi C, Grenni P, Tariciotti S, Barra Caracciolo A, Massacci A, Lagomarsino A, De Angelis P.
Text376957 2018 10.1007/s11368 017 1808 z Scopus 2 s2.0 85029897680 Carex acutiformis Phragmites australis Phyto remediation Pig slurries greenhouse gas emissions Polluted sludge Phyto dehydration of confined sludge a sustainable approach for the management of polluted ponds Liberati D, Sconocchia P, Ricci A, Gigliotti G, Tacconi C, Grenni P, Tariciotti S, Barra Caracciolo A, Massacci A, Lagomarsino A, De Angelis P. Department for Innovation in Biological, Agro food and Forest Systems DIBAF , University of Tuscia, Via San Camillo de Lellis s.n.c., Viterbo, Italy; Regional Agency for Environmental Protection of Umbria ARPA Umbria , Via Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa 32, Terni, 05100, Italy; Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Perugia, Borgo XX Giugno, 74, Perugia, 06121, Italy; Water Research Institute, National Research Council, Via Salaria km 29.300, 00015 Monterotondo, Rome, Italy; Water Research Institute, National Research Council, Via Salaria km 29.300, 00015 Monterotondo, Rome, Italy; Institute of Agro Environment and Forest Biology, National Research Council CNR , Via Salaria km 29.300, 00015 Monterotondo, Rome, Italy; Consiglio per la Ricerca in Agricoltura e l Analisi dell Economia Agraria, Centro di Ricerca per l Agrobiologia e la Pedologia CREA ABP , Via di Lanciola 12, Florence, 50125, Italy Leaf transpiration drives many of the processes involved in phyto technologies, and it can represent a useful mechanism to remove water from different kind of storage basins presenting inorganic, organic or microbiological contamination phyto dehydration , with the aim to reduce the risk of environmental contamination. In this framework, a mesocosm scale trial was carried out to test the capacity of different helophyte species to reduce the excess of water in an artificial pond filled with oversaturated sludge. 18 Published version http // eid=2 s2.0 85029897680 origin=inward Articolo in rivista Springer 1439 0108 Journal of soils and sediments Print Journal of soils and sediments Print J. soils sediments Print Journal of soils and sediments. Print JSS Landsberg. Print Print J soils sediments Print Print Journal of soils sediments Print JSS Berlin. Print Print JSSS Print Print Journal of soil and sediments Print anna.barracaracciolo BARRA CARACCIOLO ANNA paola.grenni GRENNI PAOLA angelo.massacci MASSACCI ANGELO TA.P04.005.011 Vulnerabilita degli ecosistemi delle acque sotterranee e attenuazione naturale degli inquinanti nel suolo e nel sottosuolo