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TitleAccurate classification of bioclimatic data: spatial analysis
AbstractThis paper presents a general methodology for processing bioclimatic data in the spatial domain whose main goal is to derive indications related to the moisture/dryness level of a region and provide water management authorities with information about its irrigation requirements. The methodology uses point-scale measurements of weather related data to perform a detailed analysis of the spatial behavior of the corresponding bioclimatic indicators at the continuous regional scale. The proposed methodology, although more demanding in terms of computation resources, gives more accurate results than standard approximate approaches available in current GIS packages. This methodology has been applied to a particular case study using the well known De Martonne index as a bioclimatic indicator.
Source7th EnvIMEKO, Symposium on Environmental Instrumentation and Measurements, IMEKO TC19, Aguascalientes, Mexico, 3-4/08/2017
Keywordsbioclimatic indexspatial analysiskriging
TypeContributo in atti di convegno
AuthorsG. Passarella, E. Barca, D. E. Bruno, S. Maggi, R. Masciale, A. Lay-Ekuakille
Text373775 2017 Scopus 2 s2.0 85045512111 bioclimatic index spatial analysis kriging Accurate classification of bioclimatic data spatial analysis G. Passarella, E. Barca, D. E. Bruno, S. Maggi, R. Masciale, A. Lay Ekuakille CNR IRSA, Istituto di Ricerca sulle Acque, 70132 Bari; Dipartimento di ingegneria dell Innovazione, Universita del Salento, 73100, Lecce; This paper presents a general methodology for processing bioclimatic data in the spatial domain whose main goal is to derive indications related to the moisture/dryness level of a region and provide water management authorities with information about its irrigation requirements. The methodology uses point scale measurements of weather related data to perform a detailed analysis of the spatial behavior of the corresponding bioclimatic indicators at the continuous regional scale. The proposed methodology, although more demanding in terms of computation resources, gives more accurate results than standard approximate approaches available in current GIS packages. This methodology has been applied to a particular case study using the well known De Martonne index as a bioclimatic indicator. Proceedings of the 7th EnvIMEKO, Symposium on Environmental Instrumentation and Measurements, IMEKO TC19 Published version https // 2017/IMEKO TC19 2017 016.pdf 7th EnvIMEKO, Symposium on Environmental Instrumentation and Measurements, IMEKO TC19 Aguascalientes, Mexico 3 4/08/2017 Internazionale Su invito Passarella et al. Accurate classification of bioclimatic data spatial analysis IMEKO TC19 2017 016.pdf Contributo in atti di convegno giuseppe.passarella PASSARELLA GIUSEPPE emanuele.barca BARCA EMANUELE sabino.maggi MAGGI SABINO rita.masciale MASCIALE RITA deliaevelina.bruno BRUNO DELIA EVELINA TA.P04.005.008 Integrazione di metodologie per il monitoraggio e la modellizzazione per la gestione delle risorse idriche