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Title | Restoring lakes through external phosphorus load reduction: the case of Lake Pusiano (Southern Alps) |
Abstract | AbstractWe estimated the external phosphorus load (EPL) between 1960 and 2015 in Lake Pusiano, a mid-sized subalpine lake that reached its maximum trophic state in the mid-1980s. Using historical data we also estimated the internal phosphorus load (IPL) between 1972 and 2015. EPL reached its maximum in the mid-1980s with phosphorus (P) values ~21 t yr-1 compared to the current value close to 6 t yr-1. IPL was one order of magnitude less and ranged between 0.25 t yr-1 (2015) and 3.6 (1985) t yr-1. The strong reduction of the P load determined a marked decrease of both P (from 200 to 23 ?g L-1) and chlorophyll a (from 18 to 8 ?g L-1) in-lake concentrations. The process of eutrophication and subsequent recovery, however, showed hysteresis between P load and in-lake P concentrations. In recent years, in particular, the P concentrations at winter overturn seem to be independent from the P load, related to modifications in the hydrological management of the lake that favored P flush-out in October-November, when the EPL is maximal. This process led to a marked decrease of the total P concentrations at winter overturn (23 ?g L-1), which recently resulted in lower-than-target concentrations (30 ?g L-1) established by the Lombardy Region. The lake, nevertheless, suffers from the presence of the toxic cyanobacterium Planktothrix rubescens, and eradicating this species and further improving water quality will likely require an additional abatement of the EPL. |
Source | Inland waters (Print) 7 (1), pp. 100–108 |
Keywords | Ecological statushysteresisLake Pusianoloadsmanagementphosphorusrestoration |
Journal | Inland waters (Print) |
Editor | Freshwater Biological Association,, Ambleside, Regno Unito |
Year | 2017 |
Type | Articolo in rivista |
DOI | 10.1080/20442041.2017.1294354 |
Authors | Diego Copetti and Franco Salerno and Lucia Valsecchi and Gaetano Viviano and Fabio Buzzi and Chiara Agostinelli and Riccardo Formenti and Alessandro Marieri and Gianni Tartari |
Text | 370669 2017 10.1080/20442041.2017.1294354 Scopus 2 s2.0 85020388728 ISI Web of Science WOS WOS 000405859800011 Ecological status hysteresis Lake Pusiano loads management phosphorus restoration Restoring lakes through external phosphorus load reduction the case of Lake Pusiano Southern Alps Diego Copetti and Franco Salerno and Lucia Valsecchi and Gaetano Viviano and Fabio Buzzi and Chiara Agostinelli and Riccardo Formenti and Alessandro Marieri and Gianni Tartari IRSA AbstractWe estimated the external phosphorus load EPL between 1960 and 2015 in Lake Pusiano, a mid sized subalpine lake that reached its maximum trophic state in the mid 1980s. Using historical data we also estimated the internal phosphorus load IPL between 1972 and 2015. EPL reached its maximum in the mid 1980s with phosphorus P values 21 t yr 1 compared to the current value close to 6 t yr 1. IPL was one order of magnitude less and ranged between 0.25 t yr 1 2015 and 3.6 1985 t yr 1. The strong reduction of the P load determined a marked decrease of both P from 200 to 23 g L 1 and chlorophyll a from 18 to 8 g L 1 in lake concentrations. The process of eutrophication and subsequent recovery, however, showed hysteresis between P load and in lake P concentrations. In recent years, in particular, the P concentrations at winter overturn seem to be independent from the P load, related to modifications in the hydrological management of the lake that favored P flush out in October November, when the EPL is maximal. This process led to a marked decrease of the total P concentrations at winter overturn 23 g L 1 , which recently resulted in lower than target concentrations 30 g L 1 established by the Lombardy Region. The lake, nevertheless, suffers from the presence of the toxic cyanobacterium Planktothrix rubescens, and eradicating this species and further improving water quality will likely require an additional abatement of the EPL. 7 Published version http // Restoring lakes through external phosphorus load reduction the case of Lake Pusiano Southern Alps Copetti_et_al_2017_InlandWaters.pdf Articolo in rivista Freshwater Biological Association, 2044 2041 Inland waters Print Inland waters Print Inland waters Print lucia.valsecchi VALSECCHI LUCIA gianni.tartari TARTARI GIANNI diego.copetti COPETTI DIEGO franco.salerno SALERNO FRANCO gaetano.viviano VIVIANO GAETANO |