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TitleAmbiguity in Problem Framing as a Barrier to Collective Actions: Some Hints from Groundwater Protection Policy in the Apulia Region
AbstractDifferences in problem framing and understanding are unavoidable in multi-actor decision-making processes, deeming ambiguous problem definitions and actions. The presence of ambiguity may have diverse implications. On the one hand, a diversity in frames can enhance the co-production of knowledge offering opportunities for innovative solutions. On the other hand, the presence of ambiguity can be a source of discrepancies or conflict in a group, hampering the implementation and/or reducing the effectiveness of environmental policy. This work demonstrates that neglecting ambiguity in problem framing leads decision-actors to simplify the interaction space by ignoring the role of some of the other decision-actors and/or making wrong assumptions about their mental models. Moreover, they act as if the system is as simple as the decision-actors presume it to be. To demonstrate these hypotheses, a Causal Loop Diagram method was implemented to investigate the policy resistance mechanisms hampering the implementation of sustainable groundwater abstraction policy in the Apulia Region (Southern Italy).
SourceGroup decision and negotiation, pp. 1–22
Keywordsproblem framingambiguity analysisGroundwater protection
JournalGroup decision and negotiation
EditorKluwer Academic Publishers, London ;, Paesi Bassi
TypeArticolo in rivista
AuthorsGiordano R.; Brugnach M.; Pluchinotta I.
Text363702 2016 10.1007/s10726 016 9519 1 Scopus 2 s2.0 85007496737 problem framing ambiguity analysis Groundwater protection Ambiguity in Problem Framing as a Barrier to Collective Actions Some Hints from Groundwater Protection Policy in the Apulia Region Giordano R.; Brugnach M.; Pluchinotta I. Water Research Institute National Research Council, Via De Blasio 5, Bari, Italy; Faculty of Engineering Technology, University of Twente, Drienerlolaan 5, Enschede, 7522 NB, Netherlands; LAMSADE CNRS UMR 7243 Universite Paris Dauphine, Place du Marechal de Lattre de Tassigny, Paris, 75016, France Differences in problem framing and understanding are unavoidable in multi actor decision making processes, deeming ambiguous problem definitions and actions. The presence of ambiguity may have diverse implications. On the one hand, a diversity in frames can enhance the co production of knowledge offering opportunities for innovative solutions. On the other hand, the presence of ambiguity can be a source of discrepancies or conflict in a group, hampering the implementation and/or reducing the effectiveness of environmental policy. This work demonstrates that neglecting ambiguity in problem framing leads decision actors to simplify the interaction space by ignoring the role of some of the other decision actors and/or making wrong assumptions about their mental models. Moreover, they act as if the system is as simple as the decision actors presume it to be. To demonstrate these hypotheses, a Causal Loop Diagram method was implemented to investigate the policy resistance mechanisms hampering the implementation of sustainable groundwater abstraction policy in the Apulia Region Southern Italy . Published version http // eid=2 s2.0 85007496737 origin=inward Articolo in rivista Kluwer Academic Publishers 0926 2644 Group decision and negotiation Group decision and negotiation Group decis. negot. raffaele.giordano GIORDANO RAFFAELE