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TitleMicrobial community and its potential as descriptor of environmental status.
AbstractPlanktonic communities hold a relevant role within the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). In view of reaching the Good Environmental Status (GES) of marine ecosystems, within this Directive the phyto- and zooplanktonic communities have received great attention, while Prokaryotes (Bacteria, Archaea and Cyanobacteria) have been neglected. Indeed, the relevance of microbes (particularly of the faecal pollution indicators) as water quality indicators, the role that microorganisms play within the biogeochemical fluxes and in the whole ecosystem functioning, are all important features that deserve to be focused within the MSFD. The present study aims at reviewing the main issues where prokaryotic variables find useful application as descriptors of environmental status, trying to develop a panel of prokaryotic indicators suitable for the environmental quality assessment. From a survey of scientific literature and on field datasets, prokaryotic abundance and activities (enzymatic hydrolysis, prokaryotic production and respiratory rates) are here chosen as early warning sentinels to detect changes in environmental quality, using an integrated approach with trophic (chlorophyll-a, particulate and dissolved organic matter) measurements.
SourceICES journal of marine science (Print) 73 (9), pp. 2174–2177
KeywordsMSFD; prokaryotic parameters; indicators; GES
JournalICES journal of marine science (Print)
EditorPublished by Academic Press for International Council for the Exploration of the Sea,, London, Regno Unito
TypeArticolo in rivista
AuthorsCaruso G., Azzaro M., Caroppo C., Decembrini F., Monticelli L.S., Leonardi M., Maimone G., Zaccone R., La Ferla R.
Text354961 2016 10.1093/icesjms/fsw101 Scopus 2 s2.0 84990924265 ISI Web of Science WOS 000384302300006 MSFD; prokaryotic parameters; indicators; GES Microbial community and its potential as descriptor of environmental status. Caruso G., Azzaro M., Caroppo C., Decembrini F., Monticelli L.S., Leonardi M., Maimone G., Zaccone R., La Ferla R. CNR IAMC Messina CNR IAMC Taranto Planktonic communities hold a relevant role within the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive MSFD . In view of reaching the Good Environmental Status GES of marine ecosystems, within this Directive the phyto and zooplanktonic communities have received great attention, while Prokaryotes Bacteria, Archaea and Cyanobacteria have been neglected. Indeed, the relevance of microbes particularly of the faecal pollution indicators as water quality indicators, the role that microorganisms play within the biogeochemical fluxes and in the whole ecosystem functioning, are all important features that deserve to be focused within the MSFD. The present study aims at reviewing the main issues where prokaryotic variables find useful application as descriptors of environmental status, trying to develop a panel of prokaryotic indicators suitable for the environmental quality assessment. From a survey of scientific literature and on field datasets, prokaryotic abundance and activities enzymatic hydrolysis, prokaryotic production and respiratory rates are here chosen as early warning sentinels to detect changes in environmental quality, using an integrated approach with trophic chlorophyll a, particulate and dissolved organic matter measurements. 73 Published version 18/05/2016 Microbial community and its potential as descriptor of environmental status articolo pubblicato su ICES J mar Sci 2016 ICES fsw101.pdf Articolo in rivista Published by Academic Press for International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, 1054 3139 ICES journal of marine science Print ICES journal of marine science Print ICES j. mar. sci. Print ICES journal of marine science Print International Council for the Exploration of the Sea journal of marine science Print luissalvador.monticelli MONTICELLI LUIS SALVADOR gabriella.caruso CARUSO GABRIELLA franco.decembrini DECEMBRINI FRANCO carmela.caroppo CAROPPO CARMELA maurizio.azzaro AZZARO MAURIZIO rosabruna.laferla LA FERLA ROSABRUNA marcella.leonardi LEONARDI MARCELLA renata.zaccone ZACCONE RENATA giovanna.maimone MAIMONE GIOVANNA TA.P04.001.002 Processi Microbici coinvolti nel ciclo del carbonio in zone costiere e pelagiche del Mediterraneo e di aree polari