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TitleThe use of GIS in assessing the land disposal capacity for animal waste and preventing groundwater pollution
KeywordsGISdiffuse pollutiongroundwater
TypeContributo in volume
AuthorsLo Porto, Antonio; Garnier, Monica; Uricchio, Vito; Marini, Renzo
Text340773 1997 Scopus 2 s2.0 3743059329 GIS diffuse pollution groundwater The use of GIS in assessing the land disposal capacity for animal waste and preventing groundwater pollution Lo Porto, Antonio; Garnier, Monica; Uricchio, Vito; Marini, Renzo IRSA na Published version http // eid=2 s2.0 3743059329 origin=inward Capitolo Contributo in volume antonio.loporto LO PORTO ANTONIO TA.P04.005.006 Gestione a scala di bacino delle risorse idriche e sostenibilita dell uso irriguo in agricoltura