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TitleInfluence of the set anode potential on the performance and internal energy losses of a methane-producing microbial electrolysis cell.
AbstractThe effect of the set anode potential (between+200mVand-200mVvs. SHE, standard hydrogen electrode) on the performance and distribution of internal potential losses has been analyzed in a continuous-flow methaneproducing microbial electrolysis cell (MEC). Both acetate removal rate (at the anode) andmethane generation rate (at the cathode) were higher (1 gCOD/L day and 0.30m3/m3 day, respectively)when the anode potentialwas controlled at+200mV. However, both the yields of acetate conversion into current and current conversion intomethanewere very high (72-90%) under all the tested conditions.Moreover, the sum of internal potential losses decreased from 1.46 V to 0.69 V as the anode potential was decreased from +200 mV to -200 mV, with cathode overpotentials always representing the main potential losses. This was likely to be due to the high energy barrierwhich has to be overcome in order to activate the cathode reaction. Finally, the energy efficiency correspondingly increased reaching 120% when the anode was controlled at -200 mV.
SourceBioelectrochemistry (Amsterdam) 107, pp. 1–6
KeywordsMicrobial electrolysis cell; Microbial biocathode; Set anode potential; Irreversible potential losses; Methane generation
JournalBioelectrochemistry (Amsterdam)
EditorElsevier, Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi
TypeArticolo in rivista
AuthorsVillano, Marianna; Ralo, Claudia; Zeppilli, Marco; Aulenta, Federico; Majone, Mauro
Text340134 2016 10.1016/j.bioelechem.2015.07.008 ISI Web of Science WOS 26342333 Microbial electrolysis cell; Microbial biocathode; Set anode potential; Irreversible potential losses; Methane generation Influence of the set anode potential on the performance and internal energy losses of a methane producing microbial electrolysis cell. Villano, Marianna; Ralo, Claudia; Zeppilli, Marco; Aulenta, Federico; Majone, Mauro Department of Chemistry, Sapienza University of Rome, P.le Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Rome, Italy; Water Research Institute IRSA CNR , National Research Council, Via Salaria km. 29.300, 00015 Monterotondo, RM, Italy The effect of the set anode potential between 200mVand 200mVvs. SHE, standard hydrogen electrode on the performance and distribution of internal potential losses has been analyzed in a continuous flow methaneproducing microbial electrolysis cell MEC . Both acetate removal rate at the anode andmethane generation rate at the cathode were higher 1 gCOD/L day and 0.30m3/m3 day, respectively when the anode potentialwas controlled at 200mV. However, both the yields of acetate conversion into current and current conversion intomethanewere very high 72 90% under all the tested conditions.Moreover, the sum of internal potential losses decreased from 1.46 V to 0.69 V as the anode potential was decreased from 200 mV to 200 mV, with cathode overpotentials always representing the main potential losses. This was likely to be due to the high energy barrierwhich has to be overcome in order to activate the cathode reaction. Finally, the energy efficiency correspondingly increased reaching 120% when the anode was controlled at 200 mV. 107 Published version Articolo in rivista Elsevier 1567 5394 Bioelectrochemistry Amsterdam Bioelectrochemistry Amsterdam Bioelectrochemistry. Amsterdam federico.aulenta AULENTA FEDERICO TA.P07.017.002 Processi Aerobici e di Dealogenazione Riduttiva per la rimozione dei contaminanti dalle acque