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TitleMeasures to preserve painted and unpainted tombs affected by degradation problems at the archaeological site of Monte Sannace
AbstractResearch findings of microbial monitoring at the archaeological site of Monte Sannace have indicated high levels of bacteria, especially on the inner walls of the painted tombs, as tomb no. 8. Tomb no. 105 was rich in organic matter, organic carbon and biological growth was not very high. Research findings have demonstrated that deterioration in each kind of tomb was very different. In no. 8 deterioration was caused by natural agents and, at the same time, by anthropogenic factors: the roof as well as chemical products used for conservation has helped speed microorganism growth. Principal aim of this study was to provide information on the degradation processes and to predict areas at risk in conservation. We also studied potential risk of biological colonisation of newly exposed rock samples. Surveys were performed in three stages: before, during and after restoration.
SourceInternational journal of current research 7 (06), pp. 17097–17101
Keywordspreservationdeteriorationarcheological remainsmicrobiological activities
JournalInternational journal of current research
EditorT. Manikandan, Villupuram, India
TypeArticolo in rivista
Text339736 2015 preservation deterioration archeological remains microbiological activities Measures to preserve painted and unpainted tombs affected by degradation problems at the archaeological site of Monte Sannace CAMPANALE, M., CALABRESE, A., MONTANARO, A. AND CAPOZZI, R. , CNR IAC, CNR IRSA, CNR IAC, CNR IAC Research findings of microbial monitoring at the archaeological site of Monte Sannace have indicated high levels of bacteria, especially on the inner walls of the painted tombs, as tomb no. 8. Tomb no. 105 was rich in organic matter, organic carbon and biological growth was not very high. Research findings have demonstrated that deterioration in each kind of tomb was very different. In no. 8 deterioration was caused by natural agents and, at the same time, by anthropogenic factors the roof as well as chemical products used for conservation has helped speed microorganism growth. Principal aim of this study was to provide information on the degradation processes and to predict areas at risk in conservation. We also studied potential risk of biological colonisation of newly exposed rock samples. Surveys were performed in three stages before, during and after restoration. 7 Published version http // Campanale, M., Calabrese, A., Montanaro, A and Capozzi, R, 2015. Measures to preserve painted and unpainted tombs affected by degradation problems at the archaeological site of Monte Sannace , International Journal of Current Research, 7, 6 , 17097 17101 29/05/2015 Measures to preserve painted and unpainted tombs affected by degradation problems at the archaeological site of Monte Sannace articolo_su_International_Journal_of_Current_Research.pdf Articolo in rivista T. Manikandan 0975 833X International journal of current research International journal of current research Int. j. curr. res. International journal of current research. andreacelestino.montanaro MONTANARO ANDREA CELESTINO mariavirginia.campanale CAMPANALE MARIAVIRGINIA angelantonio.calabrese CALABRESE ANGELANTONIO rosamaria.capozzi CAPOZZI ROSA MARIA