Scheda di dettaglio – i prodotti della ricerca

TitleAlien seaweeds and Marine Strategy Framework Directive in Italy
AbstractThe introduction of aliens in marine habitats is one of the pressing threaten to biodiversity in world seas, so that they were recognised as useful descriptors in the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. The situation of alien seaweeds along the Italian coasts, emerged from the answer to MSFD, evidenced the scarcity of quantitative studies and the urgent need of early monitoring to respond to the Directive
SourceBiologia marina mediterranea 20 (1), pp. 130–131
Keywordsalien seaweedsMediterranean SeaMarine StrategyItaly
JournalBiologia marina mediterranea
EditorSocietà Italiana di Biologia Marina., Genova, Italia
TypeArticolo in rivista
Text332264 2013 alien seaweeds Mediterranean Sea Marine Strategy Italy Alien seaweeds and Marine Strategy Framework Directive in Italy CECERE E., PETROCELLI A. Istituto per l Ambiente Marino Costiero IAMC , CNR, UOS Taranto The introduction of aliens in marine habitats is one of the pressing threaten to biodiversity in world seas, so that they were recognised as useful descriptors in the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. The situation of alien seaweeds along the Italian coasts, emerged from the answer to MSFD, evidenced the scarcity of quantitative studies and the urgent need of early monitoring to respond to the Directive 20 Published version 14/03/2013 Cecere e Petrocelli 2013 Pagine_130_131.pdf Articolo in rivista Societa Italiana di Biologia Marina. 1123 4245 Biologia marina mediterranea Biologia marina mediterranea Biol. mar. mediterr. antonella.petrocelli PETROCELLI ANTONELLA ester.cecere CECERE ESTER TA.P04.002.001 Fascia Costiera e Ambienti di Transizione analisi strutturale e funzionale delle componenti biotiche ed abiotiche degli ecosistemi per lo sviluppo sostenibile delle attivita