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TitleL'importanza della tassonomia nel monitoraggio biologico.
AbstractRelationships between the Indice Biotico Esteso (IBE) and environmental variables are analysed and the importance of taxonomy at different levels of detail in biological monitoring is underlined. It is often observed that biotic indexes are more correlated with an upstream-downstream gradient and morphometry than with water quality. The reason may be bound to the fact that pooling taxa into larger groups both tolerant and intolerant species are included and the indicator value is lowered. It is known that species belonging to the same genus may have different ecological needs. For example considering the Diptera Chironomidae, species within the genus Eukiefferiella have different tolerance and species groups within the genus Chironomus show different response. On the contrary, taxa within the genus Microtendipes have similar tolerance and the aggregation does not alter the indicator value of the group. Thanks also to studies about different groups (Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera) it can be concluded that the use of different taxonomical levels is needed to develop a good biotic index. Different indicator taxa should also be proposed for different water types. The use of larger taxonomic units such as families is discouraged, except for very preliminary surveys
SourceStudi trentini di scienze naturali. Acta biologica 81, pp. 31–36
JournalStudi trentini di scienze naturali. Acta biologica
EditorMuseo tridentino di scienze naturali, Trento, Italia
TypeArticolo in rivista
AuthorsRossaro, Bruno; Lencioni, Valeria; Marziali, Laura
Text309629 2005 ISI Web of Science WOS ZOOR14210065103 L importanza della tassonomia nel monitoraggio biologico. Rossaro, Bruno; Lencioni, Valeria; Marziali, Laura Dipartimento di Biologia, Sezione di Ecologia, Universita degli Studi Milano, Via Celoria 26, I 20133 Milano, Italy Relationships between the Indice Biotico Esteso IBE and environmental variables are analysed and the importance of taxonomy at different levels of detail in biological monitoring is underlined. It is often observed that biotic indexes are more correlated with an upstream downstream gradient and morphometry than with water quality. The reason may be bound to the fact that pooling taxa into larger groups both tolerant and intolerant species are included and the indicator value is lowered. It is known that species belonging to the same genus may have different ecological needs. For example considering the Diptera Chironomidae, species within the genus Eukiefferiella have different tolerance and species groups within the genus Chironomus show different response. On the contrary, taxa within the genus Microtendipes have similar tolerance and the aggregation does not alter the indicator value of the group. Thanks also to studies about different groups Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera it can be concluded that the use of different taxonomical levels is needed to develop a good biotic index. Different indicator taxa should also be proposed for different water types. The use of larger taxonomic units such as families is discouraged, except for very preliminary surveys 81 Articolo in rivista Museo tridentino di scienze naturali 0392 0542 Studi trentini di scienze naturali. Acta biologica Studi trentini di scienze naturali. Acta biologica Studi trentini sci. nat., Acta biol. Studi trentini di scienze naturali. Acta biologica. laura.marziali MARZIALI LAURA