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Title | Total phosphorus reference condition for subalpine lakes: A comparison among traditional methods and a new process-based watershed approach |
Abstract | Different methods for estimating the total phosphorus (TP) reference conditions of lakes have rarely been compared. This work tests the uncertainty and accuracy of the most frequently used approaches (Morpho-edaphic index -MEI-, export coefficient, diatoms and pigment-inferred TP models) for 35 subalpine lakes. Furthermore, we propose a new process-based watershed approach that was tested on a subalpine environment and consists of combining a space for time substitution with a space for space substitution. The possible presence of uncontaminated or less contaminated environments inside or next to the watershed can be exploited by training a hydrological transport watershed model according to the uncontaminated conditions and then applying the calibration to the entire watershed, which reconstructs a natural or semi-natural TP load scenario. We found that the root mean square error (RMSE)for the MEI is 4 mg L1. However, its application is limited for lakes that present with an alkalinity 1 meq L1. For lakes with a higher alkalinity, we observed a loss of predictive capability that results from the lower solubility of phosphorus under conditions of high calcium content. The export coefficient model was applied with a mean export coefficient and presents similar prediction capabilities as the MEI. The chlorophyll-inferred TP model shows a higher uncertainty (RMSE ¼ 8 mg L1); however, it produced fewer underestimations and overestimations. With regards to the diatom-inferred TP model, we are only able to evaluate an uncertainty of 5 mg L1 at the European level. Finally, the proposed process-based watershed approach adequately predicted the reference condition of the selected lake and had an uncertainty lower than the other methods (2 mg L1). We conclude by revealing the potential and limitations of this approach in the field of ecological lake modelling more and more attracted by TP pristine load inputs in studies on the effects of climate change and eutrophication of lakes. |
Source | Journal of environmental management 145, pp. 94–105 |
Keywords | Chlorophyll inferred TPDiatom inferred TPExport coefficient modelsHydrological transport modelMEIMorpho Edaphic IndexPhosphorusReference conditions |
Journal | Journal of environmental management |
Editor | Academic Press., New York, Regno Unito |
Year | 2014 |
Type | Articolo in rivista |
DOI | 10.1016/j.jenvman.2014.06.011 |
Authors | Franco Salerno; Gaetano Viviano; Elisabetta Carraro; Emanuela Chiara Manfredi; Andrea Lami; Simona Musazzi; Aldo Marchetto; Nicolas Guyennon; Gianni Tartari; Diego Copetti |
Text | 304912 2014 10.1016/j.jenvman.2014.06.011 Scopus 2 s2.0 84903890338 Chlorophyll inferred TP Diatom inferred TP Export coefficient models Hydrological transport model MEI Morpho Edaphic Index Phosphorus Reference conditions Total phosphorus reference condition for subalpine lakes A comparison among traditional methods and a new process based watershed approach Franco Salerno; Gaetano Viviano; Elisabetta Carraro; Emanuela Chiara Manfredi; Andrea Lami; Simona Musazzi; Aldo Marchetto; Nicolas Guyennon; Gianni Tartari; Diego Copetti CNR Water Research Institute IRSA ; Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Different methods for estimating the total phosphorus TP reference conditions of lakes have rarely been compared. This work tests the uncertainty and accuracy of the most frequently used approaches Morpho edaphic index MEI , export coefficient, diatoms and pigment inferred TP models for 35 subalpine lakes. Furthermore, we propose a new process based watershed approach that was tested on a subalpine environment and consists of combining a space for time substitution with a space for space substitution. The possible presence of uncontaminated or less contaminated environments inside or next to the watershed can be exploited by training a hydrological transport watershed model according to the uncontaminated conditions and then applying the calibration to the entire watershed, which reconstructs a natural or semi natural TP load scenario. We found that the root mean square error RMSE for the MEI is 4 mg L1. However, its application is limited for lakes that present with an alkalinity 1 meq L1. For lakes with a higher alkalinity, we observed a loss of predictive capability that results from the lower solubility of phosphorus under conditions of high calcium content. The export coefficient model was applied with a mean export coefficient and presents similar prediction capabilities as the MEI. The chlorophyll inferred TP model shows a higher uncertainty RMSE ¼ 8 mg L1 ; however, it produced fewer underestimations and overestimations. With regards to the diatom inferred TP model, we are only able to evaluate an uncertainty of 5 mg L1 at the European level. Finally, the proposed process based watershed approach adequately predicted the reference condition of the selected lake and had an uncertainty lower than the other methods 2 mg L1 . We conclude by revealing the potential and limitations of this approach in the field of ecological lake modelling more and more attracted by TP pristine load inputs in studies on the effects of climate change and eutrophication of lakes. 145 http // eid=2 s2.0 84903890338 origin=inward Articolo 2014_Journal_of_Environmental_Management_145_94_105.pdf Articolo in rivista Academic Press. 0301 4797 Journal of environmental management Journal of environmental management J. environ. manag. simona.musazzi MUSAZZI SIMONA aldo.marchetto MARCHETTO ALDO diego.copetti COPETTI DIEGO franco.salerno SALERNO FRANCO andrea.lami LAMI ANDREA nicolasdominique.guyennon GUYENNON NICOLAS DOMINIQUE gaetano.viviano VIVIANO GAETANO gianni.tartari TARTARI GIANNI TA.P02.014.002 Impatto dei cambiamenti globali sugli ecosistemi acquatici |