Scheda di dettaglio – i prodotti della ricerca

TitleBioaccumulation of perfluorinated alkyl acids in bivalves of the Po river delta (Adriatic Sea)
Source24th Annual Meeting of SETAC Europe "Science across bridges, borders and boundaries", Basel, Switzerland, 11-15 May 2014
TypeAbstract in atti di convegno
AuthorsMazzoni, Michela; Ng, Carla; Corsolini, Simonetta; Polesello, Stefano; Rusconi, Marianna; Valsecchi, Sara
Text297610 2014 Bioaccumulation of perfluorinated alkyl acids in bivalves of the Po river delta Adriatic Sea Mazzoni, Michela; Ng, Carla; Corsolini, Simonetta; Polesello, Stefano; Rusconi, Marianna; Valsecchi, Sara Water Research Institute IRSA CNR / Water Research Institute; Institute for Chemical and Bioengeneering; University of Siena / Dept Environmental Science 24th Annual Meeting of SETAC Europe Science across bridges, borders and boundaries Basel, Switzerland 11 15 May 2014 Internazionale Contributo ABSTRACT WE159abstracts_presentation_19957.pdf Abstract in atti di convegno RUSCONI MARIANNA MAZZONI MICHELA stefano.polesello POLESELLO STEFANO saramaria.valsecchi VALSECCHI SARA MARIA