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TitleMulargia (Sardinia, Italy) conceptual model. In: Evaluation and improvement of water quality models for the application to temporary waters in southern European catchments. TempQsim project report
TypeRapporto di ricerca (Research report)
AuthorsDiliberto L, Botti P, Lo Porto A, De Girolamo AM, De Luca F, Puddu A, Amalfitano S, Barra Caracciolo A, Fazi S, Grenni P, Zoppini A, Bacciu F, Falconi F
Text229744 2005 Mulargia Sardinia, Italy conceptual model. In Evaluation and improvement of water quality models for the application to temporary waters in southern European catchments. TempQsim project report Diliberto L, Botti P, Lo Porto A, De Girolamo AM, De Luca F, Puddu A, Amalfitano S, Barra Caracciolo A, Fazi S, Grenni P, Zoppini A, Bacciu F, Falconi F IRSA CNR, HYDROCONTROL River bed sediment characteristics of the Mulargia stream, in terms of grain size, chemical composition and structure and activity of microbial community, were analysed since May 2003. Relazione pubblicata MulargiaTempQSimConceptModel.pdf Rapporto di ricerca Research report antonio.loporto LO PORTO ANTONIO stefano.fazi FAZI STEFANO anna.barracaracciolo BARRA CARACCIOLO ANNA stefano.amalfitano AMALFITANO STEFANO francesca.falconi FALCONI FRANCESCA annamaria.degirolamo DE GIROLAMO ANNA MARIA paola.grenni GRENNI PAOLA annamaria.zoppini ZOPPINI ANNAMARIA