Scheda di dettaglio – i prodotti della ricerca

TitleThe thermal treatment of sediments as a function of temperature and reacting atmosphere.
SourceJournal of analytical and applied pyrolysis (Print) 49, pp. 425–445
JournalJournal of analytical and applied pyrolysis (Print)
EditorElsevier, Tokyo, Paesi Bassi
TypeArticolo in rivista
AuthorsRausa R., Mascolo G., Bassetti A.
Text221459 1999 The thermal treatment of sediments as a function of temperature and reacting atmosphere. Rausa R., Mascolo G., Bassetti A. ENI Tecnologie, CNR IRSA 49 Rausa R., Mascolo G., Bassetti A. Journal of Applied Pyrolysis, 1999, 49, 425 445 1999_J_An_Appl_Pyrolysis.pdf Articolo in rivista Elsevier 0165 2370 Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis Print Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis Print J. anal. appl. pyrolysis Print Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis. Print International symposium on analytical and applied pyrolysis Print giuseppe.mascolo MASCOLO GIUSEPPE