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TitleSummer Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in a coastal basin devoted to the musselculture and implication for their management.
AbstractIn recent years HABs in Mar Piccolo in Taranto (Gulf of Taranto) are becoming more frequent with heavy effects on the mussel production. A bloom due to the diatom Cylindrotheca closterium was responsible for massive mussel kills in summer 2008. The development of operational tools for rapid detection and timely prediction is a high priority for such important Italian farming area.
Source40th CIESM Congress, Marseille, France, 28 ottobre - 1 novembreRapp. Comm. int. Mer Médit 40, pp. 377–377
KeywordsphytoplanktonHABsmusselsmanagementMar Piccolo
JournalRapp. Comm. int. Mer Médit
EditorCIESM, Monaco/Principato di Monaco, Francia
TypeContributo in atti di convegno
AuthorsCaroppo C., Portacci G., Alabiso G.
Text217916 2013 phytoplankton HABs mussels management Mar Piccolo Summer Harmful Algal Blooms HABs in a coastal basin devoted to the musselculture and implication for their management. Caroppo C., Portacci G., Alabiso G. CNR IAMC In recent years HABs in Mar Piccolo in Taranto Gulf of Taranto are becoming more frequent with heavy effects on the mussel production. A bloom due to the diatom Cylindrotheca closterium was responsible for massive mussel kills in summer 2008. The development of operational tools for rapid detection and timely prediction is a high priority for such important Italian farming area. Published version 40 40th CIESM Congress Marseille, France 28 ottobre 1 novembre Internazionale Contributo Caroppo et al 2013 pdf articolo Caroppo et al 2013.pdf Contributo in atti di convegno CIESM Rapp. Comm. int. Mer Medit Rapp. Comm. int. Mer Medit giorgio.alabiso ALABISO GIORGIO carmela.caroppo CAROPPO CARMELA giuseppe.portacci PORTACCI GIUSEPPE TA.P04.002.001 Fascia Costiera e Ambienti di Transizione analisi strutturale e funzionale delle componenti biotiche ed abiotiche degli ecosistemi per lo sviluppo sostenibile delle attivita