Scheda di dettaglio – i prodotti della ricerca

TypeContributo in volume
AuthorsGiuseppe Passarella, Michele Vurro, Roger V. Moore, C. Isabella Tindall
Text217616 2003 DATA MANAGEMENT PLAN Giuseppe Passarella, Michele Vurro, Roger V. Moore, C. Isabella Tindall Giuseppe Passarella, Michele Vurro Water Research Institute IRSA Roger V. Moore, C. Isabella Tindall Centre for Ecology and Hydrology CEH The objective of this Data Management Plan is to describe how Data Policy statements will be implemented in operational terms. The objective of HarmoniRiB is to gather catchment data together and store them into an integrated database accessible to the project research community and to anyone who has need of them. The Data Management Plan document is strictly linked to the Data Policy statements which sets out the key issues related to the supply, custody and use of data for implementing the Harmoni RiB Data Policy. HarmoniRiB Requirements Report J.C. Refsgaard, B. Nilsson Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland GEUS 87 7871 122 3 Realizzato nell ambito del Progetto HarmoniRiB Harmonized Techniques and Representative River Basin Data for Assessment and Use of Uncertainty Information in Integrated Water Management EU contract EVK1 CT 2002 00109 , finanziato dalla UE, nell ambito del V Programma Quadro. Capitolo DATA MANAGEMENT PLAN Realizzato nell ambito del Progetto HarmoniRiB Harmonized Techniques and Representative River Basin Data for Assessment and Use of Uncertainty Information in Integrated Water Management EU contract EVK1 CT 2002 00109 , finanziato dalla UE, nell ambito del V Programma Quadro. INT_Contributo_in_Volume_07.pdf Contributo in volume giuseppe.passarella PASSARELLA GIUSEPPE michele.vurro VURRO MICHELE TA.P04.005.008 Integrazione di metodologie per il monitoraggio e la modellizzazione per la gestione delle risorse idriche