Abstract | The safeguard of groundwater resources from contamination due to releases of civil and industrial wastes and of substances used in agriculture, is matter for studies of researchers involved on problems related to the management of such resources. This is the reason why a large number of laws have been produced to protect groundwater. They state its importance as source for drinkable supply, underline its vulnerability to the loads and defines the standards of quality for its civil use and, particularly, for potable supply (DPR 236/88, L. 36/94). Therefore, it is of remarkable interest, above all for the authorities provost to the territorial planning, to have schematic tools that characterise groundwater in terms of quality and quantity. In this paper a classification is applied, that is based on a noted methodology defined by the Italian GNDCI (National Group for the Defense from
Hydrologic Catastrophes) for the representation of the groundwater quality. This methodology is based on the elaboration of the concentration values of several among the most important pollutants and chemical and physical parameters that are typical of the natural hydrochemical water conditions and representative of possible man induced modifications on the aquifer. The substantial difference between the methodology used in this paper and that one of the GNDCI consists of the grouping of several of the nine final classes of quality, reducing them to five, with a consequent simplification of the resulting maps.
The simplified methodology of classification has been already applied to the aquifer of the plain of Lucca (central Italy). However, the applications performed up today have generally considered data of single monitoring
campaigns, limiting themselves to a static representation of the qualitative state of the groundwater. The resulting maps, although representative of the quality, don't include any information on its evolution. To assess the
possibility of improving the representation of the qualitative state of the aquifer, considering its temporal dynamics, a methodology has been applied to data of monitoring campaigns, performed in spring and autumn from 1990 to 1996 in the aquifer of the plain of Modena (central Italy). The result is represented by several tables of space-time classification that cross, in a different way, an index of the "most recent" groundwater quality and an index of its temporal evolution. |
Text | 217512 2000 Studio della qualita delle acque sotterranee mediante tecniche goeostatistiche Caputo M.C., Passarella G., Giuliano G. Caputo M.C., Passarella G., IRSA CNR, Bari Giuliano G, IRSA CNR, Roma The safeguard of groundwater resources from contamination due to releases of civil and industrial wastes and of substances used in agriculture, is matter for studies of researchers involved on problems related to the management of such resources. This is the reason why a large number of laws have been produced to protect groundwater. They state its importance as source for drinkable supply, underline its vulnerability to the loads and defines the standards of quality for its civil use and, particularly, for potable supply DPR 236/88, L. 36/94 . Therefore, it is of remarkable interest, above all for the authorities provost to the territorial planning, to have schematic tools that characterise groundwater in terms of quality and quantity. In this paper a classification is applied, that is based on a noted methodology defined by the Italian GNDCI National Group for the Defense from Hydrologic Catastrophes for the representation of the groundwater quality. This methodology is based on the elaboration of the concentration values of several among the most important pollutants and chemical and physical parameters that are typical of the natural hydrochemical water conditions and representative of possible man induced modifications on the aquifer. The substantial difference between the methodology used in this paper and that one of the GNDCI consists of the grouping of several of the nine final classes of quality, reducing them to five, with a consequent simplification of the resulting maps. The simplified methodology of classification has been already applied to the aquifer of the plain of Lucca central Italy . However, the applications performed up today have generally considered data of single monitoring campaigns, limiting themselves to a static representation of the qualitative state of the groundwater. The resulting maps, although representative of the quality, don t include any information on its evolution. To assess the possibility of improving the representation of the qualitative state of the aquifer, considering its temporal dynamics, a methodology has been applied to data of monitoring campaigns, performed in spring and autumn from 1990 to 1996 in the aquifer of the plain of Modena central Italy . The result is represented by several tables of space time classification that cross, in a different way, an index of the most recent groundwater quality and an index of its temporal evolution. La salvaguardia delle risorse idriche sotterranee dalla contaminazione dovuta a rilasci, sul suolo o in falda, di reflui civili e industriali e di sostanze usate in agro zootecnia, e motivo di impegno per gli studiosi di problematiche legate alla gestione di tali risorse. A tal proposito, si sono prodotti numerosi atti normativi, miranti a tutelare le falde, che ne sanciscono l importanza come fonte di approvvigionamento, ne evidenziano la vulnerabilita ai carichi inquinanti e ne definiscono le caratteristiche di qualita per gli usi civili ed in particolare per l approvvigionamento potabile DPR 236/88, L. 36/94 . E di rilevante interesse, quindi, soprattutto per le autorita preposte alla pianificazione territoriale, disporre di strumenti schematici che caratterizzino le acque sotterranee in termini di qualita e quantita. In questo lavoro viene applicata una classificazione, che si basa su una nota metodologia definita dal GNDCI, per la rappresentazione della qualita delle acque sotterranee. Quest ultima e basata sulla elaborazione dei valori delle concentrazioni di alcuni tra i piu diffusi inquinanti e parametri chimico fisici rappresentativi delle condizioni idrochimiche naturali e di eventuali alterazioni del sistema acquifero indotte dall uomo. La differenza sostanziale tra la metodologia usata in questo lavoro e quella del GNDCI sta nell accorpamento di alcune delle nove classi finali di qualita, riducendole a cinque, con conseguente semplificazione delle mappe risultanti. La metodologia di classificazione semplificata e stata gia applicata alla falda della pianura lucchese. Le applicazioni eseguite fino ad oggi, pero, hanno, in genere, considerato dati di singole campagne di monitoraggio, limitandosi alla rappresentazione statica dello stato qualitativo della falda. Le carte prodotte in questo modo, sebbene rappresentative della qualita, non contengono alcuna informazione sulla sua evoluzione. Per valutare la possibilita di migliorare la rappresentazione dello stato qualitativo della falda, considerando la sua dinamica temporale, la metodologia e stata applicata a dati delle campagne di monitoraggio, primaverile ed autunnale, eseguite dal 1990 al 1996 nella falda della pianura modenese. Il risultato e rappresentato da tabelle di proposte di classificazione spaziotemporale che incrociano, in modo diverso, un indice caratteristico della qualita attuale della falda idrica con in indice rappresentativo della evoluzione temporale della stessa qualita. 114 Articolo su rivista nazionale. Corresponding author. Email giuseppe.passarella@ba.irsa.cnr.it Studio della qualita delle acque sotterranee mediante tecniche goeostatistiche Articolo su rivista nazionale. Corresponding author. Email giuseppe.passarella@ba.irsa.cnr.it ITA_Articolo_in_Rivista_J_12.pdf Articolo in rivista Istituto di ricerca sulle acque 0390 6329 Quaderni Istituto di Ricerca sulle Acque Quaderni Istituto di Ricerca sulle Acque Quad. Ist. Ric. Acque Quaderni. giuseppe.passarella PASSARELLA GIUSEPPE mariaclementina.caputo CAPUTO MARIA CLEMENTINA TA.P04.005.008 Integrazione di metodologie per il monitoraggio e la modellizzazione per la gestione delle risorse idriche |