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TitleThe Biochemistry of Sabella spallanzanii (Annelida: Polychaeta): a potential resource for the fish feed industry
AbstractTo prevent over-exploitation of global fish stocks by the aquaculture industry, interest is growing in the identification of nontraditional species with potential value as fish feed. In this study, we investigated the biochemical composition of the polychaete Sabella spallanzanii . Its elemental composition, gross protein and proximate composition, amino acid composition, total lipid and fatty acid content, glycosaminoglycan (GAG) content and the extent of polychlorinated biphenyl contamination were determined over an annual cycle. Sabella spallanzanii showed particularly high gross protein (54.8±5.8%) and gross energy (4.89±0.5 kcal/g) content. All samples had high concentrations of Na, K, Ca, and Cl. Saturated fatty acids were higher than monounsaturated and polyunsaturated ones. A low ?-6/?-3 ratio (1.7) was recorded. Our results suggest that S. spallanzanii can be used as a dietary supplement for farmed fish. The high concentrations of certain amino acids that improve potential palatability for many farmed fish species suggest that S. spallanzanii extracts can be used in artificial fish diets as an attractant. A further original aspect highlighted by this study is the high concentration of GAGs, which are useful in pet nutrition and also in the nourishment of farmed fish with a partially cartilaginous skeleton.
SourceJournal of the World Aquaculture Society 44 (3)–384
KeywordsTotal Lipid and Fatty Acid Analysesproteinwater contentInorganic CompositionPCB Content
JournalJournal of the World Aquaculture Society
EditorBlackwell, Malden, Mass. ;, Stati Uniti d'America
TypeArticolo in rivista
Text215369 2013 Total Lipid and Fatty Acid Analyses protein water content Inorganic Composition PCB Content The Biochemistry of Sabella spallanzanii Annelida Polychaeta a potential resource for the fish feed industry STABILI L., SICURO B., DAPRÀ F., GAI F., ABETE C., DIBENEDETTO A., PASTORE C., SCHIROSI R., GIANGRANDE A. IAMC CNR U.O.S. di Taranto DiSTeBA Universita del Salento Universita di Torino. Lachifarma srl. ISPA CNR di Torino CIRCC Bari To prevent over exploitation of global fish stocks by the aquaculture industry, interest is growing in the identification of nontraditional species with potential value as fish feed. In this study, we investigated the biochemical composition of the polychaete Sabella spallanzanii . Its elemental composition, gross protein and proximate composition, amino acid composition, total lipid and fatty acid content, glycosaminoglycan GAG content and the extent of polychlorinated biphenyl contamination were determined over an annual cycle. Sabella spallanzanii showed particularly high gross protein 54.8±5.8% and gross energy 4.89±0.5 kcal/g content. All samples had high concentrations of Na, K, Ca, and Cl. Saturated fatty acids were higher than monounsaturated and polyunsaturated ones. A low 6/ 3 ratio 1.7 was recorded. Our results suggest that S. spallanzanii can be used as a dietary supplement for farmed fish. The high concentrations of certain amino acids that improve potential palatability for many farmed fish species suggest that S. spallanzanii extracts can be used in artificial fish diets as an attractant. A further original aspect highlighted by this study is the high concentration of GAGs, which are useful in pet nutrition and also in the nourishment of farmed fish with a partially cartilaginous skeleton. 44 Published version Articolo in rivista Blackwell 0893 8849 Journal of the World Aquaculture Society Journal of the World Aquaculture Society J. World Aquac. Soc. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society. loredana.stabili STABILI LOREDANA francesco.gai GAI FRANCESCO carlo.pastore PASTORE CARLO TA.P04.029.002 Utilizzazione di biomasse e sostanze attive da organismi marini biotecnologie per loo sviluppo di nuovi bio materiali e composti bioattivi