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TitleGroundwater Management In An Area Of Po Valley Using Criteria Based On Water Quality
AbstractThe most recent Italian laws, related to water management, state that groundwater constitutes a public property and drinking water usage has the highest priority. They also fix the Maximum Allowable Concentration and the Guide Value. Considering these limits and choosing four chemical and physical parameters and four undesirable substances, the values sampled in a groundwater system can be elaborated in order to characterize andmap three different zones of the aquifer in accordance with the basic water quality. The considered parameters are among the most representative of natural quality and extensive anthropogenic contamination in groundwater and, at the same time, are easily measurable. In this paper an application of the classification methodology to the aquifer of Modena Plain (Northern Italy) is reported. The monitoring network of the water quality is made up by about 190 wells evenly distributed on an area of about 1200 km2. The study has been repeated on data collected in two seasons (spring and autumn) of 1993-94-95. The results show a modest variability of the qualitative levels of the groundwater system in good accordance with the observed quasi-stationarity of the flow conditions.
SourceInternational Conference On "Water Management Salinity And Pollution Control Towards Sustainable Irrigation In The Mediterranean Region", Valenzano, 22-26 Settembre 1997
TypeContributo in atti di convegno
AuthorsPassarella G; Caputo MC; Giuliano G; Vurro M
Text213183 1997 Groundwater Management In An Area Of Po Valley Using Criteria Based On Water Quality Passarella G; Caputo MC; Giuliano G; Vurro M G.Passarella 1, M.C. Caputo 1, G. Giuliano 2, M. Vurro 1 1 Water Research Institute IRSA CNR , Bari Italy 2 Water Research Institute IRSA CNR , Rome Italy. The most recent Italian laws, related to water management, state that groundwater constitutes a public property and drinking water usage has the highest priority. They also fix the Maximum Allowable Concentration and the Guide Value. Considering these limits and choosing four chemical and physical parameters and four undesirable substances, the values sampled in a groundwater system can be elaborated in order to characterize andmap three different zones of the aquifer in accordance with the basic water quality. The considered parameters are among the most representative of natural quality and extensive anthropogenic contamination in groundwater and, at the same time, are easily measurable. In this paper an application of the classification methodology to the aquifer of Modena Plain Northern Italy is reported. The monitoring network of the water quality is made up by about 190 wells evenly distributed on an area of about 1200 km2. The study has been repeated on data collected in two seasons spring and autumn of 1993 94 95. The results show a modest variability of the qualitative levels of the groundwater system in good accordance with the observed quasi stationarity of the flow conditions. Water Quality and Pollution Control International Conference On Water Management Salinity And Pollution Control Towards Sustainable Irrigation In The Mediterranean Region Valenzano 22 26 Settembre 1997 Internazionale Contributo Groundwater Management In An Area Of Po Valley Using Criteria Based On Water Quality INT_Contributo_in_atti_Convegno_05.pdf Contributo in atti di convegno giuseppe.passarella PASSARELLA GIUSEPPE mariaclementina.caputo CAPUTO MARIA CLEMENTINA GIULIANO GIUSEPPE GENNARO michele.vurro VURRO MICHELE TA.P04.005.008 Integrazione di metodologie per il monitoraggio e la modellizzazione per la gestione delle risorse idriche