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TitleA Methodology For The Evaluation of the Changes in Water Quality as a Tool in Groundwater Management
TypeContributo in volume
AuthorsCaputo MC; Giuliano G; Passarella G; Vurro M
Text213158 1996 A Methodology For The Evaluation of the Changes in Water Quality as a Tool in Groundwater Management Caputo MC; Giuliano G; Passarella G; Vurro M Maria Clementina Caputo , Giuseppe Giuliano , Giuseppe Passarella , Michele Vurro Water Research Institute, National Research Council Via Reno, 1 00198 Roma, Italia Water Research Institute, National Research Council Viale De Blasio, 5 70123 Bari, Italia In alluvial plains groundwater represents the most important water resource, from both quantitative and qua1itative point of view and it represents the most important source for drinking supply. Planning and management of this resource represent one of the main goals of Water Authorities. In the past, preminent interest has been often devoted to problems related to the shortag of the resource rather than to those connected to the water quality. The indiscriminate use oftrus resource and the intense demand ofwater ofgood quality for human needs.have stressed the importance ofthe qualitative aspects in the management ofgroundwater. In this paper the resuJts of the application of a water resource management methodology based on the analysis, in space and time, of the main qualitative parameters are reported. The considered parameters are among the most representative of the various fonns of anthropogenic contamination in groundwater and, at the same time, they are easily measurable in the field and in laboratory. In particular the values of our chemical and physical parameters hardness, electric conductivity, sulfates and chlorides and offour undesirable substances nitrates, iran, manganese and ammonia have been examined. The Italian Jaw fixes limits forthe values ofthe parameters, defining three different quality cl asses for drinkable use. Considering the limits settied down by the law, the values sampled in the groundwater system have been elaborated in order to characterize and map, three different zones of the aquifer in accordance with the water quality. The study has been repeated on the data collected in three different seasons of the same year. The comparison of thequality maps allows the water resources manager to fa ce problems connected to the changes in time of contamination that yields the qualitative worsening of the resource. In this paper an application of the described methodology to the real case ofLucca Plain aquifer, localized in Tuscany CentraI Italy , is reported. The groundwater system is well characterized on its boundary and the monitoring network of tbe water quality is made up by 30 wells evenly distributed on a surface ofabout 110 km2. The results show, in this case, a modest variability of the qualitative levels of the groud water in good accordance with the observed stationarity of the flow conditions and of tbe chemical charaeteristies. International Seminar on Management and Protection of the Environment Kozova M., Moncmanova A. 80 85697 42 4 Capitolo A Methodology For The Evaluation of the Changes in Water Quality as a Tool in Groundwater Management INT_Contributo_in_Volume_03.pdf Contributo in volume giuseppe.passarella PASSARELLA GIUSEPPE mariaclementina.caputo CAPUTO MARIA CLEMENTINA GIULIANO GIUSEPPE GENNARO michele.vurro VURRO MICHELE TA.P04.005.008 Integrazione di metodologie per il monitoraggio e la modellizzazione per la gestione delle risorse idriche