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TitleConductive magnetite nanoparticles accelerate the microbial reductive dechlorination of trichloroethene by promoting interspecies electron transfer processes
AbstractConductive magnetite nanoparticles accelerate the microbial reductive dechlorination of trichloroethene (TCE), an ubiquitous and toxic subsurface contaminant. The stimulatory effect most likely results from the nanoparticles promoting the establishment of interspecies electron transfer (IET) processes between non-dechlorinating and dechlorinating microorganisms.
SourceChemSusChem (Weinh., Internet) 6 (3), pp. 433–436
KeywordsMagnetite nanoparticlesinterspecies electron transferreductive dechlorination
JournalChemSusChem (Weinh., Internet)
EditorWiley-VCH-Verl., Weinheim, Germania
TypeArticolo in rivista
AuthorsAulenta F, Rossetti S, Amalfitano S, Majone M, Tandoi V
Text209681 2013 Magnetite nanoparticles interspecies electron transfer reductive dechlorination Conductive magnetite nanoparticles accelerate the microbial reductive dechlorination of trichloroethene by promoting interspecies electron transfer processes Aulenta F, Rossetti S, Amalfitano S, Majone M, Tandoi V Water Research Institute, National Research Council IRSA CNR via Salaria km 29.300, 00015 Monterotondo RM Italy , Department of Chemistry, Sapienza University of Rome, Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Rome Italy Conductive magnetite nanoparticles accelerate the microbial reductive dechlorination of trichloroethene TCE , an ubiquitous and toxic subsurface contaminant. The stimulatory effect most likely results from the nanoparticles promoting the establishment of interspecies electron transfer IET processes between non dechlorinating and dechlorinating microorganisms. 6 Published version Articolo in rivista Wiley VCH Verl. 1864 564X ChemSusChem Weinh., Internet ChemSusChem Weinh., Internet ChemSusChem Weinh., Internet ChemSusChem. Weinh., Internet simona.rossetti ROSSETTI SIMONA stefano.amalfitano AMALFITANO STEFANO federico.aulenta AULENTA FEDERICO valter.tandoi TANDOI VALTER TA.P07.017.002 Processi Aerobici e di Dealogenazione Riduttiva per la rimozione dei contaminanti dalle acque