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TitleSegnalazione di Procambarus clarkii (Girard 1852), una specie aliena invasiva, nel Lago d'Orta (Piemonte)
AbstractProcambarus clarkii is an invasive, prolific and aggressive species introduced in Europe for commercial use in the middle of the 19th century. In November 2010, this red swamp crayfish was detected in Lake Orta, a large, deep subalpine lake in Italy. Well-known for its 80-year heavy pollution by copper, Lake Orta has been gradually re-colonized by the biota, after its chemical recovery in the early 1990s. The lake is still far from being comparable to other subalpine lakes for taxa composition and seasonal dynamics. Its flora and fauna are still very peculiar and characterized by a large between year variability. Because of its peculiar situation, Lake Orta may be regarded as an unstable environment, in which the invasion by this voracious species deserves a particular attention. We think to apply for funds from the local community, to carry out a scientific survey for quantifying abundance and habitat use in different areas of the lake, and to determine if the population is reproducing successfully. As well, studies are required to explore the trophic role of P. clarkii in the lake.
SourceBiologia ambientale 25 (1), pp. 71–73
KeywordsnvasioniSpecie alieneLago d'OrtaProcambarus clarkii
JournalBiologia ambientale
EditorC.I.S.B.A., Reggio Emilia, Italia
TypeArticolo in rivista
AuthorsPiscia, Roberta ; Volta, Pietro; Boggero, Angela Manca, Marina
Text206267 2011 nvasioni Specie aliene Lago d Orta Procambarus clarkii Segnalazione di Procambarus clarkii Girard 1852 , una specie aliena invasiva, nel Lago d Orta Piemonte Piscia, Roberta ; Volta, Pietro; Boggero, Angela Manca, Marina CNR ISE, Pallanza Verbania Procambarus clarkii is an invasive, prolific and aggressive species introduced in Europe for commercial use in the middle of the 19th century. In November 2010, this red swamp crayfish was detected in Lake Orta, a large, deep subalpine lake in Italy. Well known for its 80 year heavy pollution by copper, Lake Orta has been gradually re colonized by the biota, after its chemical recovery in the early 1990s. The lake is still far from being comparable to other subalpine lakes for taxa composition and seasonal dynamics. Its flora and fauna are still very peculiar and characterized by a large between year variability. Because of its peculiar situation, Lake Orta may be regarded as an unstable environment, in which the invasion by this voracious species deserves a particular attention. We think to apply for funds from the local community, to carry out a scientific survey for quantifying abundance and habitat use in different areas of the lake, and to determine if the population is reproducing successfully. As well, studies are required to explore the trophic role of P. clarkii in the lake. Procambarus clarkii, specie invasiva, prolifica ed aggressiva, introdotta in Europa per scopi commerciali nel 1972, e stata rinvenuta nel Lago d Orta nel Novembre del 2010. Noto per essere stato oggetto per circa 80 anni di un pesante inquinamento da rame, il Lago d Orta e stato gradualmente ricolonizzato dal biota dopo il suo recupero chimico all inizio degli anni 90. A tutt oggi il Lago d Orta e pero ben lontano dall aver raggiunto la stabilita, pertanto e un ambiente nel quale l invasione di specie aliene merita una particolare attenzione. Con questa nota si intende segnalare l insediamento nel Lago d Orta di Procambarus clarkii, un crostaceo decapode noto per la sua elevata voracita e per la sua capacita di colonizzare in breve tempo ambienti anche inquinati da metalli. Ci si propone di dare l avvio a un monitoraggio che consenta di determinarne abbondanza e ruolo trofico, anche in vista di una gestione oculata della crescita numerica della sua popolazione. 25 ID_PUMA /cnr.ise/2011 B0 004 Scienze della Terra Articolo in rivista C.I.S.B.A. 1129 504X Biologia ambientale Biologia ambientale Biol. ambient. angela.boggero BOGGERO ANGELA roberta.piscia PISCIA ROBERTA pietro.volta VOLTA PIETRO marinamarcella.manca MANCA MARINA MARCELLA DG.RSTL.094.012 Evoluzione della biodiversita e valutazione della banca degli stadi duraturi di organismi acquatici di laghi remoti