Text | 159566 2006 HarmoniRiB River Basin Data Documentation Chapter 7 Candelaro River Basin BARCA E., PASSARELLA G., LO PRESTI R., MASCIALE R., VURRO M. Emanuele Barca, Giuseppe Passarella, Rossella Lo Presti, Rita Masciale Michele Vurro, Water Research Institute of the National Research Council, Bari, Italy CNR IRSA http //harmonirib.geus.info/project_reports/river_basin_network_and_data.html This report is Chapter 7 of a publicly accessible deliverable D6.3 of the HarmoniRiB project. This R D project is partly financed within the European Commission´s Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development programme, Key Action 1 Sustainable Management and Quality of Water , 1.1 Integrated management and sustainable use of water resources at catchment river basin or sub basin scale, 1.1.1 Strategic planning and integrated management methodologies and tools at catchment / river scale under contract EVK1 CT 2002 00109. This report may be downloaded from the internet and copied, provided that it is not changed and provided that proper reference to it is made Emanuele Barca, Giuseppe Passarella, Rossella Lo Presti, Rita Masciale Michele Vurro. Chapter 7 Candelaro River Basin. Water Research Institute of the National Research Council, Bari, Italy CNR IRSA , November 2006 www.harmonirib.com or http //workplace.wur.nl/QuickPlace/harmonirib/Main.nsf/h_Toc 38da1522d3c0e520c12571 e3002f512c/ OpenDocument . HarmoniRiB River Basin Data Documentation Chapter 7 Candelaro River Basin This report is Chapter 7 of a publicly accessible deliverable D6.3 of the HarmoniRiB project. This R D project is partly financed within the European Commission´s Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development programme, Key Action 1 Sustainable Management and Quality of Water , 1.1 Integrated management and sustainable use of water resources at catchment river basin or sub basin scale, 1.1.1 Strategic planning and integrated management methodologies and tools at catchment / river scale under contract EVK1 CT 2002 00109. This report may be downloaded from the internet and copied, provided that it is not changed and provided that proper reference to it is made Emanuele Barca, Giuseppe Passarella, Rossella Lo Presti, Rita Masciale Michele Vurro. Chapter 7 Candelaro River Basin. Water Research Institute of the National Research Council, Bari, Italy CNR IRSA , November 2006. INT_Rapporti_Progetti_08.pdf Rapporto di ricerca Research report HarmoniRiB Project Deliverables HarmoniRiB Project Deliverables emanuele.barca BARCA EMANUELE LO PRESTI ROSSELLA rita.masciale MASCIALE RITA giuseppe.passarella PASSARELLA GIUSEPPE michele.vurro VURRO MICHELE TA.P04.005.007 Strumenti di mitigazione dello stress quali quantitativo per i sistemi idrici TA.P04.005.008 Integrazione di metodologie per il monitoraggio e la modellizzazione per la gestione delle risorse idriche |