Scheda di dettaglio – i prodotti della ricerca

TitleDOC concentration as an estimator of the organic ion charge in the validation of chemical analyses
SourceMeeting of the EU/ICP Forests Working Group QA/QC in Laboratories, Firenze, -
AuthorsMosello R., Marchetto A., Tartari G.
Text127676 2008 DOC concentration as an estimator of the organic ion charge in the validation of chemical analyses Mosello R., Marchetto A., Tartari G. Published version Mosello R., Marchetto A., Tartari G. 2008. DOC concentration as an estimator of the organic ion charge in the validation of chemical analyses. Meeting of the EU/ICP Forests Working Group QA/QC in Laboratories. Firenze, Italy, April 15th 2008. Meeting of the EU/ICP Forests Working Group QA/QC in Laboratories Firenze Nazionale Contributo Presentazione aldo.marchetto MARCHETTO ALDO rosario.mosello MOSELLO ROSARIO gabriele.tartari TARTARI GABRIELE TA.P02.014.002 Impatto dei cambiamenti globali sugli ecosistemi acquatici