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TitleResponse of forested watershed in Northern Italy to changing N deposition detected through long-term studies on surface water ecosystems
Source23° IUFRO Conference for Specialists in Air Pollution and Climate Change Effects on Forest Ecosystems, Murten (CH), -
AuthorsRogora M., Marchetto A.
Text127673 2008 deposition nitrate forest Response of forested watershed in Northern Italy to changing N deposition detected through long term studies on surface water ecosystems Rogora M., Marchetto A. Published version Rogora M., Marchetto A. 2008. Response of forested watershed in Northern Italy to changing N deposition detected through long term studies on surface water ecosystems, 23° IUFRO Conference for Specialists in Air Pollution and Climate Change Effects on Forest Ecosystems, Murten CH , 7 12 Settembre 2008. 23° IUFRO Conference for Specialists in Air Pollution and Climate Change Effects on Forest Ecosystems Murten CH Nazionale Contributo Poster aldo.marchetto MARCHETTO ALDO michela.rogora ROGORA MICHELA TA.P02.014.002 Impatto dei cambiamenti globali sugli ecosistemi acquatici