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TitleA web-based system for the integrated water management
AbstractThe success of complexity theory has posed new challenges also in the environmental resources management. From the complexity point of view, in fact, the environment has to be considered as a system with numerous parts interrelated each other by strongly and no-linear feedback relationships. In this perspective, when an action is performed its results become difficult to control. Therefore, to construct and to select the most suitable alternatives for environmental resources management, an holistic approach has to be adopted. In water resources management domain, increasing interest is posed to the integrated management, in which the total system of biotic and abiotic elements of certain water environment is taken into account. Our contribution moves from the idea that the term integrated has to be referred also to human agents which take decisions influencing the water environment. In other words, Integrated Water Management (IWM) considers how different action affect, and can reinforce, each other and it promotes the coordinated development and management of water, land and related resources. The IWM stresses the interrelationships among the actions at different types, working at different levels of influence, coordinating stakeholders' actions. The coordination requires an appropriate information level about the strategies used by each stakeholder. To improve the information flow inside a watershed and therefore the coordination among agents, a web-based system is proposed. It could be defined as an electronic agora where a set of stakeholders can be involved both in information exchange and in conflicts resolution. More in detail, to improve the coordination process, the proposed system allows the stakeholders to find someone with similar or conflicting interests to collaborate with; to make contact with selected people; to build a common understanding (that is the identification of a common goal, the negotiation about the way this goal should be reached); to communicate with other co-workers in order to coordinate activities and work plans. The proposed system, therefore, is able to understand the interaction among stakeholders at different scales and to use that knowledge to support the process of defining policies that result in a sustainable water management. The validation phase is made applying the system to a watershed in Apulia region, selecting different stakeholders with their management tasks and interests.
SourceEGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nizza (FRA), 25-30 Aprile 2004
TypeAbstract in atti di convegno
Text119161 2004 A web based system for the integrated water management GIORDANO R., PASSARELLA G., URICCHIO V.F., LOPEZ N. R. Giordano 1,2 , G. Passarella 1 , V.F. Uricchio 1 , N. Lopez 1 1 Water Research Institute I.R.S.A., Italian National Research Council C.N.R., Bari, 2 Polytechnical University of Bari Convegno internazionale organizzato da European Geophysical Society EGS and the European Union of Geosciences EUG EGS AGU EUG Joint Assembly Nizza FRA 25 30 Aprile 2004 Internazionale Contributo The success of complexity theory has posed new challenges also in the environmental resources management. From the complexity point of view, in fact, the environment has to be considered as a system with numerous parts interrelated each other by strongly and no linear feedback relationships. In this perspective, when an action is performed its results become difficult to control. Therefore, to construct and to select the most suitable alternatives for environmental resources management, an holistic approach has to be adopted. In water resources management domain, increasing interest is posed to the integrated management, in which the total system of biotic and abiotic elements of certain water environment is taken into account. Our contribution moves from the idea that the term integrated has to be referred also to human agents which take decisions influencing the water environment. In other words, Integrated Water Management IWM considers how different action affect, and can reinforce, each other and it promotes the coordinated development and management of water, land and related resources. The IWM stresses the interrelationships among the actions at different types, working at different levels of influence, coordinating stakeholders actions. The coordination requires an appropriate information level about the strategies used by each stakeholder. To improve the information flow inside a watershed and therefore the coordination among agents, a web based system is proposed. It could be defined as an electronic agora where a set of stakeholders can be involved both in information exchange and in conflicts resolution. More in detail, to improve the coordination process, the proposed system allows the stakeholders to find someone with similar or conflicting interests to collaborate with; to make contact with selected people; to build a common understanding that is the identification of a common goal, the negotiation about the way this goal should be reached ; to communicate with other co workers in order to coordinate activities and work plans. The proposed system, therefore, is able to understand the interaction among stakeholders at different scales and to use that knowledge to support the process of defining policies that result in a sustainable water management. The validation phase is made applying the system to a watershed in Apulia region, selecting different stakeholders with their management tasks and interests. A web based system for the integrated water management Abstract presentato a Convegno internazionale organizzato da EGU, the European Geosciences Union INT_Abstract_Poster_01.pdf Abstract in atti di convegno Copernicus GmbH 1029 7006 Geophysical research abstracts Geophysical research abstracts Geophys. res. abstr. Geophysical research abstracts. giuseppe.passarella PASSARELLA GIUSEPPE vitofelice.uricchio URICCHIO VITO FELICE raffaele.giordano GIORDANO RAFFAELE TA.P04.005.008 Integrazione di metodologie per il monitoraggio e la modellizzazione per la gestione delle risorse idriche