Pagina personale di: JORDI RENE MOR ROY

Sede: IRSA Verbania
Qualifica: Contratto: CL1921 - Livello: 03 - Profilo: 1
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Prodotti della ricerca:


Trophic niches, trophic positions, and niche overlaps between non-native and native fish species in a subalpine lake

Cicala, D. and Polgar, G. and Mor, J.R. and Piscia, R. and Zaupa, S. and Brignone S., and Volta, P.

Articolo in rivista: Water (Basel) 12 (12), pp. 1–27
Keywords: Biodiversity; Biological invasions; Deep lakes; Food webs; Invasive species; Isotopic niche; PASE electrofishing; Protected areas; Stable isotopes